What work are you doing, Bozette?
Fashion is all about appearance, and imho vpls are uncool.
I'm all right Jack cos you don't get them with a kilt.
not me, i dont care if people see that
I don't know, Neelie. You tell me. Lol:)
Most all of my work has been very physical, but when I decided to go commando it was while working on a large construction job. As the only female on site, rearranging my undies was quite distracting...lol
I'm not conscious about their being visible, and make no conscious effort to hide them.
And neither do I, Pearl.
I'm not. Keep 'em guessing on what they actually look like. Not like the guys are gonna get to see them anyways.
Only the bravest or the maddest people on earth would adopt the kilt as national dress in a land of high winds and thistles. :)
LOL indeed. :)