Well I live on a island so I eat a lot of fish and its free. I also know a deep water scuba diver who gives us free sea food that's not usally found on store shelves - like Box crabs - Box crabs only live in deep cold turbulent water so they are free of pollutants which makes them very tasty. Cheers!
And I only now caught on to the second part of your answer, ha! Earlier, I had immediately replied after reading only your first phrase/clause/whatever -- your second one made me smile just now, too. :)
Since I was made aware of the health benefits of eating seafood I have veered just a little in that direction. I really like shellfish, and although I shy away from escargot, ugh, for some reason the reticence for molluscs fades with mussels, whelks, scallops, clams, etc. Crab, Lobster are also delicacies to me and I really don't know why I don't make an efforts to enjoy them more often. Freshwater fish I don't find so appealing, but I was once served a grilled trout in the Coventry Arms in Corfe Mullen that remains unsurpassed, and I don't expect it ever to be before I die. But that won't be for a while yet - well, not this week anyway (fingers crossed).