Adding in a transfer to, and balancing, my checkbook
(I'm more successful in still using actual checks, as opposed to everything online and/or debit cards or whatever; I'm using the cards-method more when I'm in stores presently)
I never could stand checks. It pisses me off when I'm standing in line and it takes some old woman ahead of me 10 freakin' minutes to write her check only to find out it bounced and then she has to dig through her purse another 5 minutes to find a credit card the register will accept. By then I've moved to another line and on my way out the door before her.
Before I enter the store, I have my check already written out completely except for the total. I am always mindful of trying to avoid pissing people off.
This is part of why I stopped shopping. I don't play well with others in the grocery store, especially if the same person(s) ends up on the same aisle throughout the store trying to get to the same items. I'm like "GTFO me!". xD
:) I can relate to that, too! Ha! I admit I hear myself sometimes thinking to myself, "That person is going to go right where I'd like to get the one item I already know I want and that person is going to stop and look all around at everything." And it sometimes ends up happening that way. :)
Pay to the order of: Randall D. Amount: calculate your net worth, determine what is 5% of it, enter that figure on the check Delivery method: in person