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If you could be any other living creature ,which one would you be ...please give the readin why too...

I would be a Hummingbird cuz I'm very tuneful and abd Blonde plus I can never remember all the lyrics :( 

Posted - May 16, 2020


  • 13395
    I would gotta be a bird of some kind;  p'raps just a plain old seagull would be good enough. Having a choice of being on the water or spending some time on dry land. 
      May 16, 2020 12:53 PM MDT

  • 14795
    You could be a Gannet and never get hungry again ....:)D 
      May 16, 2020 2:01 PM MDT

  • 13395
    I thought gannets were always hungry. 
      May 16, 2020 2:23 PM MDT

  • 14795
    Only when that are Raven'ous and off the booze and trying to go Cold Turkey...:( 
      May 16, 2020 2:34 PM MDT

  • 8274
    I can't see myself as anything but human.  Sorry
      May 16, 2020 1:01 PM MDT

  • 14795
    But you are just a silhouette ,are you knot....are you sure you don't kneed glasses  ?   :)
      May 16, 2020 2:09 PM MDT

  • 23830
    I was just thinking the same thing about myself. :)
      May 16, 2020 6:33 PM MDT

  • 44742
    I. If you were a Hummingbird, you would have to move to North, Central or South America.
    II. Hummingbirds don't sing.

    I would be this:

      May 16, 2020 3:33 PM MDT

  • 14795
    You are not friends still with Clint Eastwood by any chance PaPa.  . :) 
      May 16, 2020 3:44 PM MDT

  • 5808
    As long as i have a Choice,
    i wouldn't want to go back 
    in consciousness. I'll stay human.
    .....But i like Element 99's
    ...a little story ...
    Once on a mountain top in India, i was climbing to the top.
    There was an empty field with boulders making a circle 
    around the field. Seeing it was near the top,
    i left the pathway and went to the middle of the field.
         All of a sudden all of the boulders starting moving with life.
    The boulders that i saw were actually Orangutang's that were asleep.
    As i looked into all of their eyes i realized i was in their space.
    Within myself i apologized to them, and They watched me retreat back to the path.
    I wasn't scared, just aware of an intense communication.
    What an experience. They were so beautiful. This post was edited by Baba at May 16, 2020 6:34 PM MDT
      May 16, 2020 5:40 PM MDT

  • 23830
      May 16, 2020 6:34 PM MDT

  • 23830


    They strike me as very self-confident.

    Corvus - Wikipedia
      May 16, 2020 6:46 PM MDT

  • 53669

      Which species has sex the most often?

      May 16, 2020 7:40 PM MDT

  • 44742

      May 16, 2020 7:57 PM MDT

  • 343

    It strikes me that the choices are restricted. I wouldn't want to be some creature constantly in fear of being killed and eaten, or even just killed, by something else. Nor would I see a clear choice if I were to be some other creature unequipped to realise what a wonderful life it was. A Praying mantis would make an interesting departure from present life, but how much does it understand and enjoy. Except the Praying mantis IS very well equipped to survive - for such a relatively primitive creature.
    I think I enjoy life a little too much as I am, as I think you do (from your light-hearted playful posts) N. Jugs.

      August 20, 2020 9:19 PM MDT