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If there is no spike in virus cases in 2 weeks. Should we open up all then?

Definitely crowds and no social distancing.

Posted - June 2, 2020


  • 6098
    Please forgive me for mentioning again my age. I have lived through many viruses and diseases from all places in the world. And I can't recall ever politicians using them to try to prevent people from associating with one another or earning a living or getting fresh air and exercise. Humans are social unless they choose not to be.  It should be up to personal choice. I see people walking around scared to death behind masks in the middle of the woods and now who won't even pass me on the street. I go into work an most of the women I have worked with for years are staying home cowering behind closed doors afraid to even go shopping. Someone has really done a job on them to make them so fearful. I thought people always understood that being social meant we pass both bad and good things around among one another whether we try to or not. That is life and each one of us has been doing it all our lives - those of us who are further along in tears have been doing it a lot longer!  No way to save every person who will die of this virus or that disease - that is just the way things are. But I have never seen such a level of fear over something really they cannot have any control. We need to be social, to get out and play and exercise and sleep well and be positive and go to restaurants and have our hair done and go to libraries and concerts and shopping because those are what life is supposed to be about and they help build our resistance to disease as well. Who are these people who want to shut our lives down?  What  is driving them? I wonder ...
      June 2, 2020 9:16 PM MDT

  • 34990
    I believe they did not know at first. And the predicted death numbers were scary.  
    Were they exaggerated on purpose? Maybe. It was definately used for political purposes. 
      June 3, 2020 5:24 AM MDT

  • 6098
    I know they knew about that disease by the beginning of the year. And when I went to the doctor in February they had to make sure I had not been to any then infected country.  I hear about these totals but it just seems they are taking anyone who dies and assigning that virus to them.  How are they going to know anyhow.  Never trusted so-called "statistics" and not going to start now. I know of no one who has died at all except through this web site. Now I may not move in those circles.  But I know a lot of scared people wearing masks around and avoiding everyone. Had no idea so many people were afraid of me! 
      June 3, 2020 7:54 PM MDT

  • 34990
    I am the same. I know one confirmed case...a cousin of my father's I have never met.  While every state has cases, there are about 5 states with the majority of cases.  And sadly nursing homes took a huge hit.
      June 3, 2020 8:10 PM MDT

  • 17653
    At least by the end of June.  These protests have been up close and personal and there's going to be a spike I expect as far out as 15 days from the waning of the protests.  They are still saying incubation is 2-14 days.  I think everything should be moving by end of this month.  I talked to my European friends today who own their own businesses and they think they will be able to open on June 8. 
      June 3, 2020 12:02 AM MDT

  • 34990
    That was my thoughts as well. We are opening here now with more opening mid Jun. But if no spikes I say open it all no restrictions. 
      June 3, 2020 5:14 AM MDT

  • 53667


      Wouldn’t it be cruel irony if a looter (NOT a protestor) contracted Corona Virus from another looter due to ignoring social distancing guidelines?

      June 3, 2020 11:06 AM MDT

  • 17653
    My money is on that happening many more times than one.   If it doesn't we'll know the virus was created and dispersed among us.  There is a cure and a vaccine already in existence.  An experiment indeed.
      June 3, 2020 7:38 PM MDT

  • 13395
    A couple of Italian doctors have said their tests recently indicates the potency of the virus has been reduced. 
    Time will tell, see what's happening. 
      June 3, 2020 12:03 AM MDT

  • 34990
    Yes, that is how they normally work as they reproduce over and over they get weaker. H1N1 is still around but is weak enough it is counted in the regular flu numbers. 
      June 3, 2020 5:16 AM MDT

  • 53667


      tests (plural) indicate
      test (singular) indicates

      June 3, 2020 11:06 AM MDT

  • 44742
    Definately...HUGE trump rallies all over the country, filling every major athletic venue.
      June 3, 2020 6:40 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Definately Definitely
      June 3, 2020 6:50 AM MDT

  • 44742
    Thank you.
      June 3, 2020 7:35 AM MDT

  • 34990
    LOL.  Creepy Uncle Joe does not have to worry about that ......he could not fill a venue at all. So if he booked on all would be very safely social distanced. Joe has to worry about is supporters getting the virus from their rioting. 
      June 3, 2020 8:22 AM MDT

  • 53667


      I don’t think that’s accurate at all. Biden has his supporters just like many other politicians do. Just because you disagree with him or with his politics doesn’t mean that others see it the same way you do, and it certainly doesn’t mean his appearance won’t fill a venue. If you’re interested in being fair, that’s one thing. If you just want to express negativity and sling mud, that’s quite another. 

      June 3, 2020 11:43 AM MDT

  • 34990
    Yes he has supporters.  But not excited supporters.  

    Sanders and Warren are the only Dems in this current election season that can/have drawn a crowd comparable to a Trump rally. 

    No, I do not believe Biden can fill a large venue.  The convention yes.  But that is party not candidate those people will be there regardless of the candidate. 
      June 3, 2020 2:01 PM MDT

  • 53667


      You are just as entitled to any belief or opinion you chose as any other person is entitled to his or hers. To suggest that Biden has no excited supporters is outright silly. How do you define “excited”?  If he has one “excited” supporter, doesn’t that make you wrong? There are over 325 million people in the US, and even if only one one-thousandth of them are “excited” Biden supporters, you’d be even more wrong. 

      Every single day, there are myriads of anti-Trump people who write or say wildly inaccurate things about him, some of them are outright lies. If and when that happens, it’s just as wrong as anyone writing or saying inaccurate things about Biden, or about any person in the world. Daily on this website, you defend Trump against many of the derogatory things that are written about him, and I’m merely addressing something derogatory and incorrect that you have now written about Biden.  If you’re basing your lies on your dislike of someone, you don’t get a pass.

      Lastly, and just for clarification, I am not pro-Biden, I am not even a Democrat nor a liberal. I am, however, attempting to be pro-truth, pro-maturity, pro-civility.  All of this childish sniping and bickering over minutiae ignores more important, more salient and more pressing matters.


    This post was edited by Randy D at June 3, 2020 3:38 PM MDT
      June 3, 2020 2:18 PM MDT

  • 13395
    There are a lot of people who read m2c posts so she just needs to sound off like she is a
    good smart Trump supporter 
      June 3, 2020 2:33 PM MDT

  • 34990
    Ok....then as of this point in Joe Biden's career as the top tier candidate---he has never had a rally that compared in attendance to a Trump rally. 

    Yes, I did say something derogatory...but it is not incorrect.  I am basing my STATEMENT on the facts. (Fact that it has not happened in the past 40+ of his political career)  Unless you got an example of a rally for Joe (not Obama), for Biden that can compare to a Trump rally. 

     Unless you know of some huge rally the media completely ignored. Link  and date of such rally, please.   (The 6,000 on his kick off rally is not enough...)
      June 3, 2020 2:36 PM MDT

  • 53667


      What is the fact statement that defines an excited Biden supporter?  Remember, you wrote that he has none of those. 

    [Prior ti to answering, you may want to brush up on the dictionary definitions of the words “fact”, “excited, and “none”.

    This post was edited by Randy D at June 3, 2020 4:34 PM MDT
      June 3, 2020 2:39 PM MDT

  • 34990
    In my opinion, yes an excited supporter wants to attend the rally.  They want to see their candidate. They want to support their candidate online. Help their campaign.  Not just oppose the other guy.   No, I do not see as many on the Creepy Uncle Joe side. 

    ie. Obama in 2008 and still in 2012.  Sanders and Warren this year had excited supporters.  (They split the support that is how Biden got the nomination)

    I did not use the word "none." 
    I just explained how I define an excited supporter.
    And Yes I based it on measurable facts. 

      June 3, 2020 3:02 PM MDT

  • 53667


      Reread your first three words, “In my opinion”. Fact and opinion are not the same things. An opinion can either be supported by facts or not be supported by facts, yet it is still potentially valid either way. Fact, however, does not need opinion to support it in order to exist. 

      You brought up the word “excited” as some type of qualifier or descriptor of the noun supporter. Your explanation of what you meant by it is completely self-serving, completely opinion-based, which is fine, there is nothing wrong with you having an opinion. Even by your own opinion, Biden does in fact have excited supporters, thank you for making my pint for me while at the same time disproving yours.  There are no more “measurable” facts in what you wrote than there are ovum in my anatomy.  

      So you want to split hairs over the word “none”?  Nice dodge, but I’m not letting you off the hook that easily:

    You wrote: “Yes he has supporters.  But not excited supporters.”

    Please don’t assume that you can maneuver around the English language better than I can. 

    The negation word you used, “not”, conveys the concept that your point is that he has no excited supporters, zero excited supporters, or that of excited supporters, he has NONE. So if you really want to dance that dance, you lose again, because you went back on yourself and wrote that he does not have as many as other politicians. That means that he has at least some, even as few as one. One is not the same as not having any. Some is not the same as not having any. 

      It might be a good idea for you to quit while you’re far behind, because you’re only digging yourself deeper with the more you write. There’s no shame in bowing out gracefully, but if that’s not attractive to you, be advised that  I can go on ad nauseam.

      June 3, 2020 4:59 PM MDT

  • 34990
    We can play words all you want.

    Well you tell me where to find a definition of an "excited supporter"....since you do not like mine.  If you are excited it shows in your words and actions.  Not just get rid of the other guy.  

    And as I said an excited supporter goes to rallies etc. Most people who vote are not excited or even supportive of the person they are voting 'for'...most of the time they are voting for the least of two evils or against the other guy/gal. 

    Again you can parse the words all you want but you know my point. And I stand by it. An excited political supporter will do the things I have already listed.  And attendance at rallies is a way to gauge that excitement. Not the only way of course. This post was edited by my2cents at June 3, 2020 6:43 PM MDT
      June 3, 2020 6:16 PM MDT