For the same reasons people still climb Mt Everest, paraglide off cliffs, parachute out of aeroplanes, ride trail bikes over near impossible terraine... they love the thrills so much that they are willing to face death or disability.
This post was edited by inky at June 7, 2020 4:39 PM MDT
I believe that percentage and proportionally wise, the attacks are relatively rare. They will often try to fence off areas known to be at risk and not all sharks attack all the time..
Hi Stu~ :) These are some facts people may or may not know. It's great to see ya! :)
In the shark's defense, it's not the nature of the beast to attack people.
Number 1.) We are not on their menu. People don't need to pride themselves thinking we are. We don't taste good. They normally spit us out. Number 2.) From a sharks point of view, we look a lot like an animal in distress, kicking our legs and/or hanging off a surfboard. Sharks are scavengers and an opportunist sort of fish. They help keep our oceans clean. We need them. Number 3.) Taking your side of view, Stu, you are right. You probably wouldn't be too happy if someone came into your neighborhood, let alone, your house, and started peeing and screaming and running around. You would be pretty damn mad and would take immediate actions to get them out! They should have called and asked or at least knocked first before entering.
This post was edited by Merlin at June 7, 2020 6:03 PM MDT
Hi Merlin... 1.) Just to let you know that Sharks have never had Menu's as day car'nt weed an white proper loike us can ... 2.) Ive also got to ask how you know that we don't taste good..? You are not a trainee cannonball RU ? 2a.) I have to tel you that they R knot fish either...they are more Gnats or Mosquitos that tend to bite anything that moves or appears tasty....and that last word I typed is why I don't swim in the sea and it has nothing to do with me not being able to swim furlong or short distances even.... 3.) I don't think Stu would mind me running around his ones ever complained so far..and most are not even Muggers that know me..:)