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What is something that happens or has happened that you would not expect should happen?

Posted - September 17, 2020


  • 53684


     Hilary Clinton did not prevail in the 2016 US presidential election. I thought she had had it in the bag. 


      September 17, 2020 6:46 PM MDT

  • 17052
    So did too many Democrats, who then did not bother to vote. Apathy got Trump elected, he got his vote out.
      September 17, 2020 6:48 PM MDT

  • 17052
    Complete idiots being elected, or even nominated.
      September 17, 2020 6:46 PM MDT

  • 7809
    Something about Hilary Clinton not winning the 2016 Presidential Election. Instead, we all got the putz that we have right now.
      September 17, 2020 6:50 PM MDT

  • 17052
    The DNC shot itself in the foot in 2016 by nominating a deeply unlikeable candidate with baggage. They've done it again this time, but the train wreck that is the Trump administration could help them get a poor candidate across the line - unless the Dem voters again conclude that Joe is a shoo-in and don't bother to vote.
      September 17, 2020 7:02 PM MDT

  • 2254
    I end up in a police station one night getting fingerprinted and processed as a criminal by theft when a woman falsely accused me of breaking into her car and stealing gold coins. No lady and no policeman show and they still made me go back six times to court. It's pathetic and controlling when courts team up with cops.  I did not plea bargain but fought it until the last time I was in court where beforehand I was given the pay up option by my lawyer to be released but refused until that session was over.  It was insanity this is true. Goodbye one thousand dollars because no matter what, you end up paying it anyways for wasting the courts time. Am I going to have a record I ask and the lawyer said no and I really hope so. Lesson learned! Do not walk in back of buildings! This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at September 18, 2020 8:08 AM MDT
      September 17, 2020 6:54 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Hmm.. Terrible!
      September 17, 2020 7:03 PM MDT

  • 2254
    Well for me, a knowledge seeking nerd with glasses, it was terrible.
      September 17, 2020 7:05 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Yes, I suppose so. Shit happens.
      September 17, 2020 7:06 PM MDT

  • 53684




      September 17, 2020 7:14 PM MDT

  • 5808
    Democracy being taken away from
    the citizens of the USA and a dictatorship
    given to them instead. I Thought people would care...
      September 18, 2020 7:03 AM MDT

  • 2254
    Sometimes the selfishness of human nature wins out. That may occur cyclically. This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at September 18, 2020 8:08 AM MDT
      September 18, 2020 7:06 AM MDT