Wait, you threw it in the lake? How can you call me now? Grrrrrrrrrrr.
I had similar frustration with the update that I received last week; I had to contact Apple Support yesterday morning to get things back to a close assimilation of normalcy. Grrrrrrr.
Don’t you just hate it?
I haven’t had that particular problem (yet). Mine was flashing emoji pop-ups at me every fifteen minutes asking me if I wanted to download them. Since I know how to read and write English, I don’t need hieroglyphics in order to communicate, but I couldn’t disable the thingamajig. The support people only had me on hold for fifty minutes before finally answering me, and then it was some jerk clerk who literally said “So” at the beginning of every single sentence he spoke, and said “like” every fifth word. I was ready to drink cyanide about halfway through the call. I swallowed to the bile in my throat and fought back the urge to allow my head to explode, and soon it was over. Grrrrrrrr.
Watch this:
Lol :) this is exactly what it’s like, except they have given up on trying to get me to do long nails. I’ve been refusing that for years. I always get “ you want flower?” Why you no want flower?”
“Everybody like flower.” Then to her coworker in Vietnamese: “This one doesn’t want flowers. What the heck is wrong with her?”
I’m not so sure it would rot by the time I got there: I move pretty fast when it comes to sandwiches.