My job is physically demanding plus I heat my home with firewood and splitting and stacking firewood can be great exercise. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at December 1, 2020 5:51 PM MST
Every BTU of heat I produce with firewood produces less pollutants then a BTU produced by natural gas and way less then coal. But I can understand why a big city would fron on it - most city folk don't know how to properly heat with firewood they burn wood that isn't dryed properly, not split properly and they use a ton of paper and cardboard trying to get their fire started. My firewood is 2 to 3 years under shelter dry and I start my fires with one wooden match because I make wood shavings then build on the fire with small pieces of wood then bigger pieces. Firewood can also produce less carbon foot prints then gas or coal. I should add that my wood stove has a catalytc converter that also cuts down on polutants. Cheers!
This post was edited by Nanoose at December 1, 2020 5:51 PM MST
Simply by walking. I have a couple of local, coastal routes that are very pleasant; and one uses a former railway line that also gives a pleasant walking route to town about two miles away.