I knew a Sergeant Long when I was a Sergeant in the Marines and we were stationed overseas. He and I both were Section Leaders, he had Port Watch and I had Starboard Watch (civilians, this is all military jargon, you won’t understand any of it, so just talk among yourselves until it’s over). A section was twenty enlisted men and four corporals.
Our rotation was that each section had four days in the field, a day and a half of training/standby, and a day and a half off duty, then we‘d each switch. The opposite section started with a day and a half off duty, a day and a half of training/standby, and four days in the field. There was a third, smaller section, the React Squad. Comprised of one senior sergeant, two senior corporals and twelve senior enlisted men, React picked up any slack between rotations, but had a less regimented op plan. For six months, Sgt Long and I hardly ever saw each other. He and I both were “dating” the same woman out in town, even though all three of us, he, she and I, each pretended that we didn’t know about the double-dipping.
Ah, the memories of youth . . .
Lol, you don’t know what intricate drama revolved around that whole situation. You probably don’t WANT to know, either.