Previous place I lived had a small window facing the courtyard, somebody managed to crawl in and stole a bunch of loonies I had in a bowl on the table and some packs of cigarettes. There was a witness and she called police. Guy was evicted but I dunno what the cops did with him.
Only thing I can think of for sure was a beautiful handbag, made of peach and navy, silk, Kasak oriental carpet, the pelt only 3mm deep. Have never been able to replace it. It was 30 something years ago when I was still living in a wool warehouse in the inner city (Sydney), I'd foolishly left the studio door open while popping over to the corner store for some groceries. I assume it was probably kids on speed. Fortunately the bag was empty.
About $300 worth of out door pot plants. I found out who took them and I made the guy be my slave for a week. And I gave the guy the hardest jobs I could think of like carrying firewood up from the creek. Cheers!