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Do you have a ladder among your many possessions? How often do you use it?

Posted - May 2, 2021


  • 53691


      Yes, I have an extension ladder in the garage. I pull it down off of its mounts about once a year.

      May 2, 2021 3:20 PM MDT

  • 13395
    When you bought the extension ladder how did you get it home?
      May 3, 2021 12:35 AM MDT

  • 53691


      My neighbor had a gigantic pickup truck, so he drove me over to Home of the Despots and back. I believe it was a Ford F-350 or some such beast. Heck, it was about 15 years ago, maybe 20; who remembers all these details? Lol.

      May 3, 2021 8:54 AM MDT

  • 35073
    What do you have against The Home Depot?
      May 3, 2021 1:02 PM MDT

  • 10
    This guidance is for employers on the simple, sensible precautions they should take to keep people safe when using ladders and stepladders in the workplace. This will also be useful for employees and their representatives. Following this guidance is normally enough to comply with the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (WAHR). You are free to take other action, except where the guidance says you must do something specific. Ladders and stepladders are not banned under health and safety law. In fact they can be a sensible and practical option for low-risk, short-duration tasks, although they may not automatically be your first choice. Make sure you use the right type of ladder and you know how to use it safely. The law calls for a sensible, proportionate approach to managing risk, and further guidance on what you should do before deciding if a ladder is the right type of equipment for a particular task is provided in Working at height: A brief guide (see ‘Further reading’). References to ladders in this leaflet, unless otherwise indicated, refer to leaning ladders (sometimes known as extension ladders) and stepladders and the guidance applies similarly to both. More specific requirements that only apply to a leaning ladder or a stepladder are covered in detail under the relevant headings. When is a ladder the most suitable equipment? The law says that ladders can be used for work at height when a risk assessment has shown that using equipment offering a higher level of fall protection is not justified because of the low risk and short duration of use; or there are existing workplace features which cannot be altered. Short duration is not the deciding factor in establishing whether use of a ladder is acceptable or not – you should have first considered the risk. As a guide, if your task would require staying up a leaning ladder or stepladder for more than 30 minutes at a time, it is recommended that you consider alternative equipment. You should only use ladders in situations where they can be used safely, eg where the ladder will be level and stable, and where it is reasonably practicable to do so, the ladder can be secured.
      May 2, 2021 3:24 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Thanks, that's a lot of info.
      May 2, 2021 4:00 PM MDT

  • 19937
    And, amongst all those words, I didn't see the ones that said he had a ladder or didn't.
      May 2, 2021 6:01 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Maybe he designs and sells ladders for a living and just borrows from his neighbor when he needs to use  one.
      May 2, 2021 6:57 PM MDT

  • 19937
    Good point, but the question was never answered. :)
      May 2, 2021 9:20 PM MDT

  • 10
    I have a team which one work on construction project that's why I know about ladder 
      May 3, 2021 8:48 AM MDT

  • 19937
    The question was whether YOU have a ladder.  
      May 3, 2021 10:18 AM MDT

  • 17660
    Only step ladders now, two of them.  There are three different size ladders in the storage room available for all owners here to use.  I have never. I have a ceiling light two stories up in the stairwell.  The bulb changer thing on the long pole will probably be the only thing I'll use from there.
      May 2, 2021 8:33 PM MDT

  • 35073
    Yes we have a few ladders. All at work. 
    I do not use them very often. 
    I am short but my husband is tall (6'3") so if I need something high up I ask him. 
    If he is not around. I use a chair at home.  Or my youngest who is also tall. 
      May 2, 2021 8:34 PM MDT

  • 17078
    Two. The big extension ladder hardly gets used, but the little stepladder is used almost daily. I'm short.
      May 2, 2021 9:59 PM MDT

  • 757
    I have a couple of ladders, and I use them when I need them. 
      May 3, 2021 1:38 AM MDT

  • 44765
    Two step ladders and an 8 foot folding ladder. I no longer use them because of my ankle an dizziness problems. I just noticed...this guy looks like me.

      May 3, 2021 8:56 AM MDT

  • 13395
    He must have forgotten to observe a few safety tips.
      May 3, 2021 9:04 AM MDT

  • 44765
    Kinda looks like he is going to fall on that axe.
      May 3, 2021 9:09 AM MDT

  • 13395
    Yeah kind of looks like a set; up somebody is trying to do him in.
      May 3, 2021 9:28 AM MDT

  • 53691


      Gee, I wonder who would do such a mean thing as setting up some old guy just to get the insurance money? Grrrrrrr. 

    *Eighteen months earlier, Homer Randolph D Simpson was seen closing a deal at a shady insurance agent’s office   . . . 


      May 3, 2021 4:21 PM MDT

  • 13395
    Shady shady people.
      May 3, 2021 4:43 PM MDT

  • 7809
    A step ladder. I don't need to be more than 36 inches off the ground
      May 3, 2021 9:31 AM MDT