Eg. Sell their Jaguar XF for $200 because it needed to be washed..
Hoard items. (Tildes are excluded from this.)
Have outrageous aversions to certain foods. (Unless, of course, we’re talking about avocados, guacamole, mayonnaise, beets, okra, squash, water cress nuts, and Vegemite.)
Harbor an inordinate passion for sandwiches. (Listen, are you going to eat that last BLT in your refrigerator, or may I have it?)
Digs out several levels of sub-basements to create chambers for sequestering kidnap victims for sandwich-making factories. (It’s not really a dungeon per se if they can leave anytime they want to.)
Carries on illusions that there are harem-like chapters full of women scattered in various cities worldwide just waiting for the opportunity to cater to every whim. (Actually, it’s more of an intricately scheduled matrix by which the women claw their way to the top of the rotation; there’s a point system and everything.)
It was just my wild guessing. I don’t personally know of any people who are like those examples.
(Cough, cough.)