I saw the movie in theaters when it was a new release back in the 80s, and I was much less impressed with it than all of its hype and all of its fans made it out to be some great example of visionary cinema. Last night on television, they broadcast “Blade Runner: The Final Cut”. I thought I’d give it another chance, and all I can say in retrospect is that I want my two hours back.
Similar to the perspective that it was hard to work out the plot, I found it hard to follow, hard to maintain my interest, weird, far too long for everything that happened in it (a 30-minute running time as a short film would have sufficed), and basically an excuse to prop up a chauvinist and misogynistic production rife with senseless violence and hero-worship sexual interaction.
Had Harrison Ford not been recognized for his fame in both the Star Wars and Indiana Jones movies, his appearance in “Blade Runner” would have had far less draw of fans, this movie was nothing more than a star vehicle for him. It definitely played to the lowest common denominator of its target demographic. Yawnsville.
Don’t waste your time.
Did you read the book first, or see the movie first?
I stand corrected; it was originally released in 1982, not 1992. I have edited those references.
I stand corrected; it was originally released in 1982, not 1992. Thank you.