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Discussion » Questions » Math » Challenge for Danny Petti (Others can help him with this also.)This should be super easy!

Challenge for Danny Petti (Others can help him with this also.)This should be super easy!

1. What temperature is twice as hot as 0°C?  Please give your answer in Celsius.

2. What temperature is twice as hot as 0°F?  Please give your answer in Fahrenheit.

3. What temperature is half as hot as 0°C?  Please give your answer in Celsius.

4.  What temperature is half as hot as 0°F?  Please give your answer in Fahrenheit.

5. Convert -40°C to °F.

6. Convert -40°F to °C.

Also, do Jaimie’s maze, please.

Posted - October 6, 2021


  • 5450
    The way the rules work is she has to do anything you post until she beats you in this challenge.  She still has to do any challenge worksheets from you that you post before 7:59 tomorrow night in your time zone.

    If you don’t post the right answers for this challenge by 7:59 tomorrow night and she does, she wins this challenge so you can’t give her more homework challenges until you beat her in a later challenge.
      October 9, 2021 3:02 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Then her work challenge will be different from mine?
    Okay I think I got that-will give her all 3 just before eight o’clock tomorrow.
      October 9, 2021 3:11 PM MDT

  • 3137
    Other work I will post to her, maybe kind of late post for her to do now-
    May you alert Martina when the math and words worksheets comes in from me?
    But I will do it soon! When they are set to put in
      October 9, 2021 4:19 PM MDT

  • 3137


    Martina’s work are ready now! I would post Martina’s homework just/only under Martina’s thread okay?

    This post was edited by DannyPetti at October 9, 2021 4:49 PM MDT
      October 9, 2021 4:48 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I been working on that long hard maze puzzle + the temp questions that I haven’t do anything like that, that I wouldn’t get time to post my other stuff on other thread, or to answer their other AM questions, or hardly to give other users more work pages, I will tell you more about this later.
      October 10, 2021 9:35 AM MDT

  • 3137
    I been working on that long hard maze puzzle + the temp questions that I haven’t do anything like that, that I wouldn’t get time to post my other stuff on other thread, or to answer their other AM questions, or hardly to give other users more work pages, I will tell you more about this later.
      October 10, 2021 9:35 AM MDT

  • 3137
    And Livvie, the first 2 work pages that I just gave to Martina, is that I would be giving a different work page with a different subject every day, then I was having Martina to keep doing the work page every day till Martina run out of (chances)-based from the 3 pages of instruction sheets I just posted with one work page you saw that I was giving to Martina; as if she get one problem wrong, then lose one chance, or if get three problems wrong/get a problem wrong on a work page, & got two problems wrong on another work page, then loose three chances from the 10 chances will take her down to seven chances. That’s how I was planned the worksheet system here for her when I first posted the work pages on AM for her.
    I was thinking it would be the other different work pages that you will give Martina to do from that time, that the challenge will start from you, that’s besides the one that I given to her.
    More to tell you about this later.

      October 10, 2021 4:58 PM MDT

  • 3137
    I just did them again
      October 10, 2021 2:06 PM MDT

  • 3719
    I thought,  "Aye up! Surely our Livvie's not asking a catch question, is she?"

    Obviously 2X or 0.5X 0 = 0.... but.

    The 0ºC and 0ºF temperatures are artificial data because anything, even an ice-cube, at those temperatures still contains heat. 

    The Celsius scale is good for everyday use because most life generally occupies the lower half of the range, 0 to 100 ºC, respectively the triple-point and steam-point of the conveniently ubiquitous and vital compound, pure water; at standard atmospheric pressure (sea-level, as near as whats-it). 

    Thermodynamics use the Kelvin scale, same degrees as Celsius (formerly called Centigrade) but omitting the "degree" symbol; and 0 K is absolute null, i.e. at complete lack of heat, = approx -273.2 ºC.

    So 0ºC = 273.2 K

    Therefore... twice as hot and half as hot as 0ºC = 546.4 K and 136.6 K, respectively! 


    [To obtain the degree sign I use the ALT+0186 combination-key.)
      November 17, 2021 4:10 PM MST

  • 5450
    Danny got this question right on page four of the replies to this question.  I thought about being extra mean and asking something like “Zero degrees Celsius is twice as cold as what temperature?”.
      November 17, 2021 5:52 PM MST

  • 2254
    Durdle you rule! I couldn't stand the thought of throwing The Essentials Of Chemistry textbook away so I gave it to the library and it's the very first book on a sale shelf. I am curious about Portnoys Complaint for 50 cents. Do you think it is worth reading? This post was edited by CosmicWunderkind at November 17, 2021 5:48 PM MST
      November 17, 2021 4:15 PM MST