Discussion » Questions » Politics » Is Trump right about people being denied covid-19 vaccins because of the color of their skin?

Is Trump right about people being denied covid-19 vaccins because of the color of their skin?

At his rally on Saturday Trump said  'if you're white you don't  get the vaccine or if your white you don't get therapeutics. If your white  you have to go to the back of the line'. There is no proof that is happening and I think it is just a way for Trump to fire up his white base and further divide the nation. Cheers!

Posted - January 17, 2022


  • 19938
    Trump is not right about anything.  Start with that premise and work forward from there.  I have not heard of any white person  being sent to the back of any line anywhere.  What the government may be focusing on is setting up vaccination and testing sites in low income areas where it isn't easy for them to get to places for those services.  Those are the communities that need the extra help and there's no reason why they shouldn't be given it because it benefits ALL of us to have as many people tested and vaccinated/boosted as possible.

    Of course, his ignorant/stupid followers will look at is as the white person being denied services over the person of color.  Typical Trumplodites.
      January 17, 2022 11:25 AM MST

  • 23435
    So often I hear interesting things from many politically-conservative people in the area in which I live -- sometimes I would like to say to some, "It seems to me as if you're saying exactly the same things you're accusing the liberals of doing/saying - - in this particular case, Trump's possibly playing the race card to his own advantage." 

    And I can notice it from all political persuasion groups sometimes.

    I don't know - - I'll stop. I don't talk politics so well. I know, and am friends with, many people of all political persuasions.

    And I am not excusing myself - - one of many things I believe (and have gotten called on the carpet for it) is that I believe all humans are hypocrites in one way or another. I know that I do/think/say much of the same stuff that I notice others do that bug me. I am only talking about myself here.

    I'll stop. Be Well.  :)

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 18, 2022 7:25 PM MST
      January 17, 2022 11:59 AM MST

  • 19938
    Your opinions are always welcome where I'm concerned.  If it happens that we don't see things the same way, we can always agree to disagree.  How do we learn if we don' listen to the other side of an argument?
      January 17, 2022 12:59 PM MST

  • 23435
    Thanks so much. I appreciate your reply.

    Here just a sec -- trying to get work done around my place a bit today, feeling unsuccessful at it -- ha -- but dropped in by chance and saw your reply

    Believe me, when it comes to the former president and many of his supporters, I'm with you. I admit I have always had major challenges with him, just watching him, listening to him, mannerisms. And it's unfair of me probably.
    But he's like any potential person in my life - - sometimes someone "hits me" in uncomfortable-for-me ways - - and he is one of them. And nothing he's said or done since I first "met" him has made me feel any better toward him.

    Hey, thanks again.  :)
      January 17, 2022 1:48 PM MST

  • 19938
    You're welcome.  I haven't had the ambition to do anything I should have been doing around the house for the past two years.  I've become a full-fledged procrastinator. :)  

    I feel much the same way about Trump as you do, especially since I am a New Yorker so I know full-well what kind of a scammer he is.  If I believed i God, I would say that Trump was put on the earth to show us how not to behave.
      January 17, 2022 2:00 PM MST

  • 23435
    That's funny about procrastinating.  :)

    Yeah, I understand your other statement, too.

    Yes, behavior --
    I simply can not get out of my mind his very public physical stalking and hovering behind Hilary Clinton during their debate. At the least, hugely stealing focus from her speaking. Incredibly, incredibly and inexcusably rude to me. Nothing can change my mind on his behavior there. His behavior there speaks volumes to me of what kind of person he is. I don't care about whatever his policies may be or not be -- 
    and I know we all can do things that are not admirable - - but.

    If I behaved in such a manner even once in any of my jobs, I'd have been fired.

    I don't know why I'm going on in such ways today, ha.  :)

    Thinking about music and book and movies tends to probably be better for me in my life, ha. But I give myself some credit in sharing with you about some things about which I seldom talk.   :)

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 18, 2022 7:26 PM MST
      January 17, 2022 5:39 PM MST

  • 19938
    His behavior was rude and crass and was designed to deliberately try to shake her.  This is a man who believes in winning at all costs.  I usually feel that most people have at least one redeeming characteristic, but not in his case.
      January 18, 2022 6:37 AM MST

  • 23435
    Thanks for your reply, SpunkySenior.
    And his behavior there - - and much other similar behavior - is seemingly so easy to forgive/accept/dismiss/ignore by many people I know - - and, yet,  if someone else did something not nearly so crass, they'd be all over him or her.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 24, 2022 10:19 AM MST
      January 23, 2022 7:54 PM MST

  • 19938
    I think the reason some folks are so easily accepting of his behavior is that they are just like him.
      January 24, 2022 10:20 AM MST

  • 10568
    Seriously?  Every word that comes out of that man's mouth is a lie.  It amazes me how many people still can't comprehend that.  This country is in its death throes and he cheers it on. 
      January 17, 2022 12:02 PM MST

  • 7790

      January 17, 2022 1:01 PM MST

  • 23435
    That's a perfect choice for a gif for your answer.  :)

    And he's very pleasant to watch. Ha! :)

      January 17, 2022 5:31 PM MST

  • 33874
    He did not say race was being used for vaccine availability.   He was talking about the monoclonal antibody therapy for covid. At least one state is using race as a deciding factor In making the choice in which patient gets the antibodies first.  NY instructed hospitals  to place black patients ahead of white patients in line for this therapy.


    New York State Department of Health prioritization guidance (PDF)

    This post was edited by my2cents at January 17, 2022 5:30 PM MST
      January 17, 2022 1:51 PM MST

  • 23435
    I had looked up an article and quickly read. In some ways, I get the possible reasoning of that third "Notes" statement. Not being Non-white nor Hispanic/Latino, I can't speak for those groups. However, as an adult gay person, I've seen in my experience, and others who are gay, the possibilities of how societal inequalities/thoughts  can very much affect one's physical, emotional and spiritual and overall health. 

    I admit I'm no expert on any of this specific topic.

    I did not listen to Mr. Trump but according to a yahoo news article, he said ""If you're white, you don't get the vaccine, or if you're white, you don't get therapeutics." his first statement there is blatantly false and unfortunately then affects his second statement to me.

    Also, this was a quote from the article:

     "Hispanic or Latino people die of COVID-19 at a rate of 2.1x compared to white people, and Black or African American people die at a rate of 1.9x, according to data from The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
    So, again, I can maybe see a bit of the rationale for potentially placing some priorities. 

      January 17, 2022 5:30 PM MST

  • 33874
    You are right. I missed the vaccine line. However,  he is correct if vaccines were in short supply  (vaccines are not in short supply), whites are lower on the list because they go by risk factors. And then are told to count Non-white as a risk factor.
    In any case, race should not be used as a way to decide who gets treatment if it has limited resources.  It should be based on the individual's health conditions.  
    NY is not the only state either. 
      January 18, 2022 6:58 AM MST

  • 23435
    I wanted to at least acknowledge I saw your reply, thanks. :)
    I looked up the source (it seemed to be Daily Mail) and I'm not surprised that more-than-several sources cited it is as very conservative.  I somehow believe there may be more to the story/stories that does not fit the conservative agenda. And this and other conservative sources will only report what supports the conservative view (the same thing so many conservative people I know accuse the liberals of doing).

    I still get your point, though.

    That number 3 in that list up there still holds some water for me, too.

    And, politically, I'm out there in some other stratosphere, nothing easily pegged -  just like every other area in my life.

    And on and on I talk.

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 24, 2022 4:45 AM MST
      January 23, 2022 6:55 PM MST

  • 33874
    Yes. All media is biased. And one of the most common ways they (all media) show that bias is by what they choose to report or not report on.  Most of the liberal sites are just denying it happens.     

    But it does, it is.   A hospital does not apologize if it was not doing it.   But please note my other source.   It is NY state government itself. I posted the screenshot from their policy. Stating that non-white is a risk factor in and of itself. 
      January 24, 2022 4:53 AM MST

  • 23435
    Yes, I get it on all, yes. I wasn't so comfortable reading about the hospital.

    Yet, reports that being non-white is a risk factor (in your screen shot), in and of itself, I tend to see the possibility and I can agree in some ways. I believe those factors can be a valid risk factor, with higher death rates that I read up there in a source and shared. Like your report said. similar to what I said up there somewhere about my experiences of living as a gay person - - equality does not always exist. I'm not asking for special treatment but increased overall health unequal factors can exist.
      January 24, 2022 5:47 AM MST

  • 33874
    I would agree...if covid actually affects non-whites differently. (Some diseases do, sickle cell is one) Covid does not. Yes, there have been more deaths. But most of the deaths have been in the large cities. And that is where most non-whites live. They also maybe not a likely to go to the hospital/doctor as soon as a white person. But this does not mean a their color is a risk factor in an of itself.  It simply means the disease is likely farther along by the time they go to the hospital. This will show in the sickness profile. 

    Covid has also killed more men than women...but that is not being used as an additional risk factor. 

    I am also a person not likely to go to the doctor/hospital unless I have to.. I nearly waited to long a few years back and was septic. I came close to dying.

    If a non-white and I go to the same hospital and we are the same illness point...they should not automatically go in front of me or anyone else. It should be based on the progress of the illness and risk.
    As I understand it to get the antibody treatment, the patient must get to number 20 on their illness/risk scale. Being non-white counted for 7 points of that 20.   
    Of course ideally, we would have all the treatments we need. (Biden should be using the power of the government to require more be produced) 
    Yes in some cases, there are unequal factors but covid is not one of them. 
      January 24, 2022 6:13 AM MST

  • 23435

    I never should have entered this question. 

    Sorry for late reply.

    Somewhere on the site I mentioned masks -- and then I saw a question you had posted about them. My remark was not meant toward you or your post  - my remark was meant only in general.

    Be Well.
      January 28, 2022 5:23 AM MST

  • 23435
    In my other Number 3 reply, I had originally wrote "netherworld" to explain where I put myself in life sometimes.
    A bit ago I realized that that is not the word I meant at all. I only meant that I sometimes don't fit easily into categories - - I sometimes see myself in some other stratosphere. I changed my word in other reply. No way do I consider myself in some netherworld.
    Woops.  :)

    This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 24, 2022 4:43 AM MST
      January 24, 2022 3:08 AM MST

  • 1953
    The Washington Post calculated That Trump lied 30,573 times in his four years as president. So I wouldn't believe anything that comes out of that fat nincompoops mouth.
      January 17, 2022 2:17 PM MST

  • 33874
    And Obama only told 8 lies in 8 years....WP needs to learn how to count.
      January 17, 2022 2:41 PM MST

  • 1953
    This question's not about Obama
      January 17, 2022 4:44 PM MST