Dittto. Prior to the fusion I was addicted to high end painkillers, hobbling on a cane and unable to work. A fortnight after the op I was clean and running again, albeit with a limp - it took several months before I could fully straighten my left knee, the hamstring was tight through long disuse.
Robins here have steadily declined over the years and are now are a rarity. Snow birds were plentiful here in the 60's and 70's. Now they're gone. From the 60's into the 80's, there blue jays were everywhere. Their screeches would fill the air. Now we only have a few scrub jays. Black birds used to darken the skies. Flocks of them would "beg" for food in parking lots. Before a rain they'd cover every power line. Now there's only a handful of them left. The number of crows and ravens were on the rise from the 80's through the early 2000s. Now they too are disappearing.
Oddly enough, the numbers of most species has increased here. The robins have been coming back sooner. I heard blue jays this morning.(My cat is afraid of them.) I haven't seen as many Hummingbirds recently, though. They breed rapidly and head up to Canada.
What you mean is, "What is a significant change you have noticed over time?" Voila! What you took 16 long-winded words to say expressed in only 10. Easier to write, easier to read!
Petrol (gasoline) prices. The world coming out of enforced immobility, combined with a partial embargo by OPEC, has seen prices sky-rocket over the past six months.