Today I showed up for my personal training session at the gym. I hopped on the elliptical to warm up and something felt off. When I looked down, I saw I had forgotten to change my footwear before I left home. This what I was wearing:
I don’t see what’s the problem.
One day about four years ago, I selected an all-blue ensemble to go to work, a sky blue dress shirt, patterned blue necktie with tiny gold and black flecks, dark blue vest, medium blue trousers, blue argyle socks and blue walking shoes. Not wanting to wake up my wife I got dressed in the dark just putting on clothes that I laid out the night before, and then reaching under the bed to grab the shoes. Everything looked great in the light of my bedroom the night before, it all appeared to match perfectly. I have long had a reputation for dapper dressing, and I thought that day was no departure from it.
One of my coworkers approached me discreetly to ask whether or not I was feeling ill or going through some type of breakdown. I was confused until looking down at my feet. Instead of wearing the walking shoes that matchEd my outfit, for some strange reason I failed to notice that I had grabbed a pair of my running shoes. These days, running shoes are made in very bright colors, usually more than one color. In addition to a orange sort of pastel look, the soles were white and they were yellow stripes along the sides of the laces. The shoes were completely out of character and out of style with what I was wearing. Unlike most days, I had not taken nor did I already have a second pair of dress shoes at work, so I had to spend the entire day with people giving me strange locks.
Oh, more than you might suspect. Bro-man doesn’t set foot outside of the house without being dressed to the nines.