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Discussion » Questions » Life and Society » why is it people dont seem to want to make friends with short people?

why is it people dont seem to want to make friends with short people?

    Im 4ft5 and i probably look like a kid and noone ever seems interested in inviting me over or to do stuff with them, ive lived here 11 yrs and i could count on my hands the number of times i go out with people, i do go to places like the senior center, theyre starting trips again so i might go to those, if i go to church noone ever invites me over after or to go out with them, everyone else goes out, i know cause i hear them talking about it, even guys wont ever ask me out on dates, ive never married or had kids, so do people judge people by looks? just wondered, do they think i dont want to hang out with some kid? is that it?

Posted - April 6, 2022


  • 44782
    I don't know any short people at this time. I am average height and nobody but my family asks me either. I prefer it that way, as I am not a people person.
      April 6, 2022 9:04 AM MDT

  • 11482
    Maybe you should wear some clothes that will help strike up conversations - like a t-shirt that says - F Russia. Cheers!
      April 6, 2022 9:25 AM MDT

  • 5450

    It has nothing to do with your height, it’s just really hard to make friends as an adult.  I actually don’t know how to do it, so I’m not really going to be much help, sorry.  I’ve been out of high school for 11 years already, and aside from a very few close online friendships that I’ve made, all of my friends are my friends from high school.

    I don’t know what to do about never having been asked out on a date.  Out of my group of friends, I’m the only one that‘s married.  I hear complaints about still being single from my friends all of the time.  It took my husband three years to notice that I even existed before he asked me out on a date.  

    Before my husband, I only went out on one real date.  It went badly.  I got all dolled up.  He didn’t even bother to look good.  I suddenly got a bad nosebleed at the restaurant and it dripped all over my plate.  It was a real gusher.  He walked out on the date.

      April 6, 2022 9:34 AM MDT

  • 10813
    It has nothing to do with a person's stature, but with the person themselves (demeanor).    

    Sadly, the older we get the harder it is to make friends. The best advice I can give on making a friend is - 

    * Put yourself out there.  One doesn't have to be an extrovert to make friends,however sitting around wishing for a friend to come to you rarely works.  

    * Don't be a gloomy Gus.  Smile at others.  Say hello.  Don't expect them to respond or instantly become your friend.  

    * It's not all about you.  When you talk to another person, don't make the conversation all about you.

    * Don't whine.  Nobody - not even a good friend - likes to hear someone whine all the time (woe is me).
    * Don't push it.  You can't force someone to be your friend(or even like you).  It's quite possible that a person doesn't want to make a friend.  Nobody likes a pushy person.

    * Be a friend to others.  Even if they don't respond.  You never know.
      April 6, 2022 1:22 PM MDT

  • 4336
    Do you ever ask others to go out or invite them over to your house or do you just sit back and wait for someone to ask you?  If there's someone you would like to befriend, maybe you need to make the first move.  I've never been married or had kids, but I've had my share of dates and longer term relationships.  Do you usually have a smile on your face which makes you seem approachable or are you always sour looking?  When you speak with people, do you have positive conversations or are you usually griping about something?  Plenty of short people make friends, get dates and get married, so I doubt it's your height.
    This post was edited by Spunky at April 10, 2022 9:41 PM MDT
      April 6, 2022 3:23 PM MDT

  • 11595
    People are more likely to want to be friends if they think you like them. Try a little harder than you think you should to smile at them, say hello and pay them a compliment. If you think that's too hard for you, then realize it's just as hard for other people. Your height makes you special and memorable, it's no reason for anyone to ignore you.
      April 6, 2022 9:45 PM MDT

  • 7816
    It's simple. They don't see short people as a benefit. As*hol*s think like that sometimes.
      April 7, 2022 7:49 AM MDT

  • My brother is short. He is 1,62 m tall. His height was never a problem for him. Everybody loves him. He has a magnetic personality.

    Do you have conversations with your neighbors? Do you know your neighbors? My building has 18 apartments in it. I've lived here for eight years, so I'm friendly with all of my neighbors. Do you cook or bake? I love cooking and baking, so I invite my neighbors to dinner. They also invite me to dinner. There's also a space behind our house where we have barbecue.

    I also sent you a friend a request, so you can have more online friends.
      April 10, 2022 10:03 PM MDT