For the last couple of days I have been seeing a pair of young quail looking for a nice place to raise a family. But maybe because they are still young they always start wondering into cat ally. So when I see them heading that way I throw a pine cone a few feet in front of them and sometimes I also make vicious cat sounds like pssssssssssssst pssssssssssssst pssssssssssssst. Quail are usally easy pickings for cats so I don't want the quail getting too comfortable around here. Cheers and happy weekend!
I used to have a problem with my cat killing birds. I tried putting bells on her but she learned to hunt silently even with bells on. So I trained my dog to interrupt her hunting. He gets in front of her and barks when she goes into her hunting mod or he will chase away the birds and rabbits she is stalking. Cheers and happy weekend!