He was a fellow Marine who was in my unit early on in my military career when I was stationed with the Third Division. Five or six years after we had gone our separate ways, I heard from others who knew both of us that due to a broken relationship with a woman, he took his own life. I never found out if it was accurate information or not.
All these decades later, I remember how he introduced himself to people. He would start by saying his first was from the Bible, but that you might not ever guess it because it was uncommon in modern times. (I think I may have tried to guess it anyway, Moses, Micah, Lot, Nebuchadnezzar.) Anyhow, he would then tell you what it was, while looking for the expression on your face. He’d ask, “I’ll bet you don’t know anybody living today who has that name, do you?” I had to admit that in my case, I did not. Nowadays, decades later, there is a well-known celeb who has that first name. I’ve just looked up that celeb’s date of birth, and coincidentally, he was born approximately two months before I met the man mentioned above.