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Discussion » Questions » Finance » What are some of the silly things you might do if you had more money than you could WISELY spend?*

What are some of the silly things you might do if you had more money than you could WISELY spend?*

*This is not about benevolent, philanthropic, generous, admirable, positive, sensible, thoughtful, sane and caring things a person might do with a too much money situation. It’s the exact opposite.

For my part, I’m eyeing a 48,000+ acre parcel of land where I’ll have a tilde-themed amusement park built, or I’ll pay to have all the women of a certain demo graphic whose first names begin with the letter J and who live in a particular northern state and city that begin with the letter M rounded up and entered into a database in order to narrow down my search parameters for my snuggle buggle, or I’d . . . 

Posted - April 30, 2022


  • 17655
    I like the idea of dropping money from a hot air balloon.   But if I was extremely wealthy I think I would open a private school K-12.  Tuition would be on a sliding scale based on parental resources.   I have no desire to teach or interact with children all day every day....don't get me wrong.  I would have a purely executive/administrative active role in the school. 
      April 30, 2022 3:46 PM MDT

  • 17048
    Build a three storey house (two above ground, one below) and go off-grid - entirely solar. 20kVA on the roof and three powerwall AC batteries.
      May 1, 2022 12:16 AM MDT