Inspired by this question:
I’ve been to North Dakota, Minnesota, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming but not Montana.
Edit: In addition to states or provinces, I also meant to include any territories or other first-level subnational divisions that border the one where you live.
Edit: Including water borders is optional. I’m not going to be that picky.
Arizona and Nevada, yes. Oregon, no.
Livvie has graciously pointed out in question form that I neglected to include my south-of-the-border neighbor; Baja California. I have been there also.
Yes, good point. I will edit.
Quebec- yes, a million times.
Manitoba- driven through, never spent any time there.
New York- half a million times.
Pennsylvania- Yes, once to the Poconos.
Minnesota- no
Ohio- no
Oh, sorry, Michigan. You’re not getting any love from your neighbors today. They’re forgetting all about you.
(there their answers)