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Can you make up a stupid phone app that some people would actually buy?


Posted - August 5, 2022


  • 16618
    If I could, I'd have done it already.
      August 6, 2022 6:08 AM MDT

  • 44540
    That makes sense.
      August 6, 2022 6:59 AM MDT

  • 2065
    You can't make this stuff up! Or can you!
      August 6, 2022 8:11 AM MDT

  • 23407
      August 18, 2023 5:51 PM MDT

  • 53367


    10 Tilde auction alert app
    9 Vegemite aversion group therapy online app
    8 Avocado avoidance tips 24 hours a day app
    7 Mayonnaise proximity warning software app
    6 Voyeur cameras for when women are making sandwiches app 
    5 Private detectives in Minneapolis/Saint Paul willing to bend laws and regulations to locate “someone” app
    4 On-call sleazy defense attorneys who know loopholes in restraining order cases app
    3 The Grammar Police Officer’s Combination List of Statutes and Citation Book app
    2 Build Better Basements app
    1 Massage Oils & Intimate Mood Lightning Discount Clearinghouse app 

    Full disclosure: I have at least three or four of these already installed on this phone. Discretion prevents me from revealing which ones they are. (Cough, cough.)

      August 6, 2022 9:10 AM MDT

  • 17562
    Just use your imagination.......................have you already bought the one that cleans you so you don't have to take a shower, thus saving water?
      August 6, 2022 10:54 AM MDT

  • 44540
    I need one to shave me.
      August 6, 2022 3:15 PM MDT

  • 53367


      I hired her to work for you exactly to fulfill that purpose, no need for the app.


      August 6, 2022 9:29 PM MDT

  • 1633
    An app that randomly uploads pictures of Richard Simmons.

      August 6, 2022 4:30 PM MDT

  • 23407

    There's a Nap For That. Cat nap. Bumpersticker. [11.5
      August 18, 2023 5:50 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Many apps aren’t stupid.
      August 18, 2023 6:12 PM MDT