What's that you say? It might be a trap? Don't be silly! What harm could possibly come from eating a few sandwiches? All I have to do is go downstairs to get them. Wait here if you don’t want to go with me, I'll be right back . . . ~
Hey! There are no sandwiches in here, the place is full of restraining orders and homework papers full of poor grammar! I’ve been had!
Grrrrrrr! ~
Wait, you should at least give me a chance to respond before you make any final decisions! I’m contacting the legal linguistics team right now! Grrrrrrr.
You’re a reasonable person, a rational person. If the right sets of facts are presented to you in the proper manner, there’s no way you can turn down a good opportunity.
You should come and stay in the spare bedroom until the lawyers have new paperwork to show you, I can entertain you in the evenings while they hash it out.
I don’t know why.
Attorney? What attorney? Wait a second, you’re not planning to sic your attorney on ME someday, are you? I keep telling you it was just supposed to be a tour of the sub-basement; I didn’t know the heavy duty reinforced steel doors would accidentally slam shut behind you and the top-grade security lock would self-activate!
Thank you for the suggestion, but clearly, the dilemma before me troubles you not.