Discussion»Questions»answerMug» Is this site broken or have I just forgotten how to use it? I can’t find how to read the list of questions.. okay, that’s fine.
Hey, over here, behind the dumpsters in the dark alley. I have something you want. It’s something you’re never going to find on your phone if you’re logged in. They told me to keep this away from Jaimie, but just copy this link and bookmark it.
See, folks? This post of hers is all the proof I need, she’s telling on herself! It’s just as I’ve been saying all along: Livvie is a criminal queenpin who is behind several different types of shady deals and illegal rackets! Nobody believes me when I try to blow the whistle on her, no one pays me any attention because she has everyone fooled! I’ve gone to the police, district attorney, dog-catcher, state attorney general’s office, PTA, FBI, CIA, FDIC, SEC, EPA, AAA, FCC, MPAA, RCMP, FDA and OSHA, VFW, to the media, freelance cub reporters, the courts, private investigators, they all just kick me down the stairs and put my name on a watchlist! I know I’m right and I know she has to be stopped! Join with me to take her down! Don’t let her power and influence-peddling win again, she’s probably paid off every official in charge of the offices and organizations I went to see . . .
Lol, I was soooo excited for the behind the dumpster advice but this is what the link gave me…. When will I learn not to follow eivviL people when the lead me behind dumpsters??!! ;p
hmmmm I might feel like a cartoon character if I slipped on a banana peel and be into that causing me to hang out behind dumpsters more often. Happy weekend!
Ugh, now it’s not working for me either. It was nice seeing the list of questions while it lasted, but now I’m just being unjustly punished by the Answermug gods for sharing forbidden knowledge.