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Site Issues

I had a mugger message me last night or this morning about some of the site issues. Unless you guys are emailing me, I don’t always know what’s being said in the Q&A. 

As you all likely know, the site needs some TLC. The scope is not wholly known and cannot be known until we perform some much overdue maintenance and updates. I suspect the updates would likely fix many, if not most, of the issues you’re experiencing, but I do not have any guarantees with it.

I hired a new developer to restore site functionality last October on an emergency basis. He quoted me at $550 for the above.

Most of you also know that the site is not here for profit. It’s never turned a profit. Most of the site has been paid for by me out of my own pocket with the occasional support of Muggers. I had hoped I’d be able to pay for the upgrades myself. I haven’t been able to and I don’t have a timeline on when I can.

if you guys want to fund the updates, you are welcomed to contribute. If, by some chance, we manage to raise the full amount needed, I will begin coordinating times with the developer. If not, then we’re stuck in a holding pattern and will have to limp along until I have the cash to do it. 

You can learn about the funding of the site and how to donate here:

 also want to address the elephant in the room. I’ve known many, if not most, of you for more than a decade now. When I got this site, I was in a better place financially, but definitely had some issues going on. The friendships, kinship, and even just the witty banter kept me going. I have the utmost respect for you all and have immense gratitude. My status has changed quite a bit over the years - you guys have seen me through a divorce, some awful relationships, my mother’s debilitating stroke, and more. Over the past roughly year and a half, both myself and one of my minor children have had some serious health issues. I think we’re both coming out of it now, but it’s been a haul that’s left me emotionally and financially drained.

I’m not ignoring you guys. I’m not ignoring the site. Even when things have been difficult, even when I wasn’t sure if I could buy groceries, I made sure that the site was paid for. That wasn’t for me. That wasn’t for profit. That was for you guys. Because I appreciate all of you being here and being there for me and I know that this site means as much to me as it does to many of you.

I appreciate you. And I also want to extend my deepest gratitude to M2C, because, without her literal years of volunteering as a mod, I genuinely do not know how we would have made it all this time.

The site isn’t going anywhere. As I’ve said before, if it ever hits the point where I can‘t keep it, the only way I would ever let it go is if it went to a tribunal of Muggers - it would stay with you guys - with the people who have known it and loved it in spite of its flaws for years. So, although I’ve been quiet, it’s not a lack of caring or concern. 

Posted - January 9, 2023


  • 7815
    Well, I'll be damned! There is a real person working this website.
      January 9, 2023 11:42 AM MST

  • 7939
    We already received a $75 donation. Thank you!
      January 9, 2023 12:01 PM MST

  • 7939

    We just received two more donations - a $25 and a $10. 

    That puts us at $110 of the $550 needed. You guys are awesome. Truly.

      January 9, 2023 2:26 PM MST

  • 7939

    I am very humbled to say that we are at our goal, folks. In addition to the donations that came in earlier today, someone just sent enough to cover the updates in one go. 

    I am (for once) at a total loss for words. ”Thank you” does not cut it. You guys are really incredible people.

    I am back in contact with the developer already and will let you know when I have more information.

    This does, in theory, leave us with a small surplus as well, provided everything goes well. My present thought is to leave it all in the account until the updates are complete and, if there is still cash left over, we can discuss as a site what else we want to attack on the site. However, if you donated and have questions or concerns about how the money is being spent, please email me directly. 

    This post was edited by Just Asking at January 10, 2023 4:48 PM MST
      January 9, 2023 9:50 PM MST

  • 7939

    We received another $40 donation. Thank you!

    FYI, all, the developer will be starting work ASAP and should have the updates done on a test site for review at the end of the week. 

    If you’d like to help test it and check for bugs before the changes go live here, please comment on this thread or DM me. 

    Thank you again, everyone. You guys are seriously awesome. 

      January 10, 2023 1:02 AM MST

  • 1544
    I hope things are getting better for you, JA. It doesn't seem fair that we muggers only get in touch when there's something wrong with the site; or if we neglect to say we appreciate you right back.
      January 9, 2023 12:31 PM MST

  • 7939
    No worries. You don’t know what you don’t see. Thank you!
      January 9, 2023 2:23 PM MST

  • 11591
    Thanks for the update.  And thanks for everything you do.
      January 9, 2023 9:17 PM MST

  • 7939
    Thank you. And thank you for being here and helping the site retain some of its better qualities.
      January 9, 2023 9:28 PM MST

  • 4302
    Thank you and thanks to the Muggers who are making this possible.  I look forward to the site returning to normal.  

    Best wishes, JA.
      January 10, 2023 8:06 AM MST

  • 23866

    I arrived much too late.

    Thanks to all, and to you, too, Just Asking.
    I really enjoy the site and interacting with aMers This post was edited by WelbyQuentin at January 17, 2023 11:35 PM MST
      January 10, 2023 4:49 PM MST

  • 7939
    Hi, all! Adding an update here so it stays together. 

    The site updates are still in progress and the developer is actively working on them. It will take a little longer than initially thought though. I don't have an estimated time yet but I will let you know as soon as I have more info. I appreciate your support and patience. 

    For clarification, the updates are being made on a mirror/test site, so this one will keep functioning like it does for now. When those updates are done, we'll have some Muggers go test it. After that, the changes will go live here. There will be minimal downtime when it happens, but it'll be after everyone goes to bed one night (except for maybe Slarti) and I'll post to warn you before it happens. Following that, you'll be able to log in like normal.

    It wouldn't normally be such a big process, but it really needed the updates (as you know). :) 
      January 17, 2023 11:17 PM MST