Yesterday I watched a bit of Fox and Friends and I noticed how they echo the things Trump says. Then I started thinking I should make a TV series about them. I am going to call it "the Hannity Bunch" and Danny DeVito will play Hannity. I have been working on the theme song and here is what I have so far.
One day some anchors met a orange man and they knew it was much more then a hunch - they could control the minds of millions and con them out of a few bucks. (something something something). And that's how we became the Hannity Bunch the Hannity Bunch and that's how we became the Hannity Bunch.
It has to be Danny DeVito because I owe him from when I gave him a hard time at Play Land amusement park. Danny DeVeto is a very diverse actor - like he did a incredible job at looking and acting like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the movie Twins. So I am pretty sure he could pull off looking and acting like Sean Hannity. Cheers!