Discussion » Questions » Food and Drink » Could you feed yourself for a week for less than $5 a day? This does not count beverages, just solid food.

Could you feed yourself for a week for less than $5 a day? This does not count beverages, just solid food.

The food does not have to be healthy.

Posted - January 17, 2023


  • 10525
    It's not easy, but yes (that's about where I'm at right now).
      January 17, 2023 2:53 PM MST

  • 10727
    I could feed myself for 0$ a week plus make a few bucks well doing it because I have foraging, hunting and trapping skills. But it would be pretty time consuming and cut  into my TV time so I'm not going to do it. Cheers!
      January 17, 2023 4:48 PM MST

  • 10290
    If I had no choice, I think I could find a way. I wouldn't like it.
      January 17, 2023 9:28 PM MST

  • 23252
     -- this would be my answer, too.  :)
      January 18, 2023 6:46 AM MST

  • 53107


      Yes. Whenever I’d get hungry, I’d just go down to the sub-basement and see one of the sammich-makers.

      (You wouldn’t believe how much money I save due to the nonexistent labor costs and the nonexistent benefits packages.)

      January 18, 2023 6:41 AM MST

  • 23252
    Ha - Element 99's question was tailor made (maid?) for your sammich crew.
      January 18, 2023 6:45 AM MST

  • 845
    Who pays for the sandwich ingredients?
      January 18, 2023 8:54 AM MST

  • 53107

      That’s why I only mentioned the cost savings in the two categories that I named, categories which in general tend to be a large part of the expenditures in food service. It’s true that acquiring and properly storing foodstuffs are high-end outlays of the venture in question, by eliminating two of the four or five most expensive outlays, overall budgeting levels out quite nicely.


      January 18, 2023 1:51 PM MST

  • 845
    1. Who financially supports those sub-basement sandwich makers?
    2. With the exception of Echooos' ramen noodles, how does your weekly sandwich ingredients cost less than the rest of us?
      January 18, 2023 3:28 PM MST

  • 53107


      This is beginning to sound too much like an evidence-gathering expedition for some case that’s being prepared against me. How do I know you’re not with the District Attorney’s Office or the police department?  From here on out, I’ll plead the Fifth on all questions being put to me by you on this issue. (Grrrrrrrrrrr.)



      January 18, 2023 3:44 PM MST

  • 845
    Yeah. Didn't I mention somewhere this week about watching all those true crime TV programs. I think you've got me!
      January 18, 2023 3:50 PM MST

  • 53107
      January 18, 2023 6:16 PM MST

  • 44402
    Is that an up or down stairway?
      January 18, 2023 6:55 PM MST

  • 53107


      I know, right?

      January 18, 2023 7:25 PM MST

  • 1943
    Heck yeah! I love ramen noodles. 
      January 18, 2023 10:26 AM MST

  • 17507
    Yes I could.
      January 18, 2023 2:51 PM MST

  • 448
    Time to call friends and neighbors and see how many invites to eat I can get, And bring home left overs.
      January 21, 2023 5:16 PM MST

  • 33207
    Feed just myself for $35 a week....absolutely.  would not even be much of a challenge.  
      January 22, 2023 5:27 AM MST

  • 44402
    Yes...Dollar Tree has a wide variety of foods.
      January 22, 2023 11:34 AM MST

  • 33207
    Yes, they do. So does Dollar General, Save A Lot and Aldi.   
    I used to feed a family of 5 on $50-$75 a week. This post was edited by my2cents at January 22, 2023 11:13 PM MST
      January 22, 2023 11:39 AM MST