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Trump IS gonna win in '24, isn't he?


If you had several cases that you could bring against Donald Trump, would you bring your WEAKEST case first?  Truly..  I think he'll BEAT the Stormy Daniels case, and, if he does, he'll win 'em ALL.
Why the Dems are doing that is beyond me..  Maybe they wanna see him win in 2024.

I rank the investigations based upon which ones damage the country more, and in the order in which I'd bring the cases.  

1.  Jan 6,
2.  Stolen documents
3.  Georgia voting fraud
4.  Stormy Daniels payoff.

You may rank the investigations differently..


Posted - March 16, 2023


  • 11398
    I don't think he will even get the republican nomination so he will try running as a independent. And that will insure that the Democrats hold on to the WH. There are a few other things he is being investagated for - one of them is using his Truth Social site for money laundering. I think the days of him avoiding being charged are over and hopefully he will be in prison by 2024. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at March 17, 2023 8:41 AM MDT
      March 16, 2023 7:21 AM MDT

  • 3907
    G'morning, N:

    In my view, the country will poo poo a conviction for "money" crimes.  It's kind of expected of politicians, after all.  Trump has lots of "money" crimes on the horizon, including the one you mention.

    But, endangering the country by stealing its secrets and sharing them with god knows who, is by far the most dangerous behavior, and it must be stopped.  If he's re-elected he'll do it again. 

    I hope you're right about the outcome.

    excon This post was edited by excon at March 17, 2023 9:58 AM MDT
      March 16, 2023 7:37 AM MDT

  • 11398
    It was reported that after Trump left office there was a large rise in the # of American spy's and the spy's of America's allies that went missing or were imprisoned. And I think Trump is to blame for that and some day they will find proof that he was. Cheers!  
      March 16, 2023 7:58 AM MDT

  • 4262
    Much as I hate to admit it, I agree with you.  Trump is probably the most despicable person to ever "lead" this country.  There have been so many investigations into his handling of finances, etc., none of which have come to fruition.  Yes, the January 6 issue is absolute treason and yet ... he's still waking around free.  Part of the problem is his unbelievable ability to delay all of his court cases to the point where folks just seem to forget about them.  
      March 16, 2023 9:04 AM MDT

  • 13277
    More despicable than Nixon is hard to do.
      March 24, 2023 10:56 PM MDT

  • 3131
    If it's Trump vs. creepy Biden, Trump has a good chance. 
      March 16, 2023 4:02 PM MDT

  • 7809
    Just as long as there are stupid idiots within the population, Dumb Furher will succeed in being the POTUS a second time.
      March 16, 2023 4:04 PM MDT

  • 844
    I really had to chuckle when I read your post, Zack. I can't tell which POTUS you're referring to, 
      March 16, 2023 7:19 PM MDT

  • 7809
    The big fat orange one.
      March 17, 2023 8:50 AM MDT

  • 13277
    Nope, although m2c hopes so.
      March 16, 2023 4:40 PM MDT

  • 330
    Donald Trump Flag 2024 Don Jr Black Zag USA Army Sign Poster 3x5 90 ...
      March 16, 2023 4:52 PM MDT

  • 13277
    You’re right. That’s why he won’t win.
      March 17, 2023 11:31 AM MDT

  • 330
    Laughing GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY
      March 24, 2023 8:36 PM MDT

  • 11545
    I don't think there's a practical way to try the cases in any specific order, since two are state cases and two are federal. That said, I  don't think the hush money payment will make any difference to most voters. They think it's only about an affair and don't care. I do think the Georgia case is probably the most important. There is compelling evidence and multiple conspirators. I think we need evidence of harm for the stolen documents case to be taken as seriously as it should be. Trump has his base convinced that all the presidents stole documents.  As for the insurrection, that hasn't deterred his supporters or caused most Republican congress persons to abandon him. Trump's biggest support is among Republicans with little education. They have to see how his actions as president were not in their interest. I hope we come up with stronger, more moderate candidates on both sides. 
      March 16, 2023 6:30 PM MDT

  • 3907

    If the cops come to arrest Trump, and the Secret Service is protecting Trump, is there going to be a gun battle?

    Ridiculous, right?  But, if Trump is indicted and invited to turn himself in, you KNOW he's NOT gonna do that..  So, the confrontation between the Secret Service and law enforcement agencies is REAL.  I repeat, who's gonna arrest Donald Trump?

    excon This post was edited by excon at March 17, 2023 11:31 AM MDT
      March 17, 2023 8:02 AM MDT

  • 11398
    I don't think so. They would be told  in advance that the FBI have a legal arrest warrant. I bet Trump would try ordering the secrete service to shoot the FBI but they would stand down. Cheers! This post was edited by Nanoose at March 17, 2023 9:26 AM MDT
      March 17, 2023 8:26 AM MDT

  • 13277
    No need to arrest him. Just don’t re-elect him. There’s no reason to think a huge number of people won’t turn out to vote against him, just like in 2020.
      March 17, 2023 11:33 AM MDT

  • 2219
    Between this president and the last, the USA has had its fill of gerentocracy. 
      March 17, 2023 9:51 AM MDT

  • 4262
      March 17, 2023 10:02 AM MDT

  • 3907
    Hello S:

    That's all true..  So, who's gonna ARREST him?  An arrest is the first step in the criminal court proceedings..  Without an arrest, the case cannot proceed..  An arrest doesn't have to be a violent encounter.  In fact, when you get a traffic ticket, it's technically an "arrest".. 

    Now, Trump CAN turn himself in to the cops, get booked, get a mug shot taken, get his fingerprints taken, and bond out immediately..  He doesn't have to be locked up.  But, it starts with being BOOKED, and cannot proceed without it.

    So, is the Secret Service, whose job is to PROTECT the president, gonna LET him get arrested?  I don't think so.  In fact, letting him get arrested is the antithesis of protecting him.

    excon This post was edited by excon at March 17, 2023 10:25 AM MDT
      March 17, 2023 10:14 AM MDT

  • 4262
    I would hazard a guess and say the Secret Service is there to protect him from persons looking to do him physical harm.  If the FBI or other law enforcement agency has an arrest warrant, they are not there to harm him - they are merely taking him in for arraignment.  
      March 17, 2023 4:30 PM MDT

  • 4262
    This may be the answer to the question.  Today's New York Daily News headline:

    If he surrenders, there would be no need for conflict between the Secret Service and whomever comes to arrest him.  
      March 18, 2023 7:44 AM MDT

  • 3907

    Hello again, S:

    So, just this morning, Trump say's he'll be indicted on Tuesday and is calling for demonstrations..  Says his supporters should "take our nation back".

    Looks like Jan 6 all over again.  Are you goin?  It'll be wild.


    This post was edited by excon at March 18, 2023 10:37 AM MDT
      March 18, 2023 8:20 AM MDT

  • 4262
    I wouldn't attend any appearance Trump makes anywhere.  I'm happy to see it reported on the news.
      March 18, 2023 10:37 AM MDT