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Hypothetically, you find yourself in jail adjoining a cell occupied by Randy D. What’s the first question one of you asks the other?



Posted - June 19, 2023


  • 13277
    ”Hypothetically” goes without saying.
      June 19, 2023 9:50 PM MDT

  • 53524


      Not necessarily. There are some people who would start off with, “I’d never be in that situation in the first place, so I don’t have an answer.”

      June 19, 2023 10:14 PM MDT

  • 13277
    Yes necessarily. People might well give that very answer with or without “hypothetically.”
      June 19, 2023 11:06 PM MDT

  • 53524


      So other than being unnecessarily argumentative about a silly post that does not need to be taken seriously in the first place, exactly what is your great point here? If you don’t like the use of the word “hypothetically” at the beginning of the question, fine, you’ve made your point. The word stands, I am not going to remove it, I am ignoring you completely on whether or not you think it belongs there. I repeat for emphasis: The word stands, I am not going to remove it. I hope it bothers you to no end, and I hope you keep bleating about it, you amuse me. If it’s important enough to you that you wish to or absolutely need to continue to argue the point, or if you just need to bolster your beliefs about it, please feel free to go ahead and do so as much as you like. Do what makes you feel better. 

    This post was edited by Randy D at June 23, 2023 1:45 PM MDT
      June 19, 2023 11:12 PM MDT

  • 10662
    Why'd you go and fink? 
      June 20, 2023 11:36 AM MDT

  • 53524


     Me? I didn’t say a word until they told me you had finked! They said they knew the whole story and the prosecutor would go easier on you for spilling first! I was told you had been released on your own recognizance.  They tricked me by promising a similar deal if I’d just give my own version to help fill in the blanks! We’ve been had! This is another fine mess you’ve gotten me into! Grrrrrrrrrrr. 

      Guards! Guards! I want to see the Warden, the District Attorney, the Police Commissioner, even the Mayor! Let me out of here! It was Shuhak, all Shuhak, he’s the mastermind! Guards! Arrrrrrrgggghhh!

      June 21, 2023 1:54 PM MDT

  • 10662
    I knew you were weak.  They used rudimentary mind games and you folded like a cheap suit.
      June 21, 2023 3:15 PM MDT

  • 53524


      This means I won’t be getting my share of the loot that you hid, doesn’t it? Grrrrrrr.


      June 21, 2023 6:09 PM MDT

  • 11087
    How did you get in here? This is a women's prison!
      June 20, 2023 1:09 PM MDT

  • 53524


      This is 2023, they’re doing all kinds of wonderful things with equity and diversity these days. My attorney is already filing the paperwork for you and I to become cellmates, Dear.

      June 21, 2023 1:56 PM MDT

  • 16826
    Okay, you pulled the wrong lever. Now how do we get OUT of the sammich dungeon?
      June 22, 2023 5:25 AM MDT

  • 53524


      I’m working on it, I’m working on it! I can’t properly concentrate with all these negative vibes surrounding me, so just simmer down and let me figure this out. Grrrrrrrrrr. Let’s see, where was I? Oh, yes, I was trying to recall pages 8 through 11 of the instruction manual. 



      June 22, 2023 7:47 AM MDT

  • 844
    Me: Hey, hold my dentures, I'm going to vomit!
    You: ... This post was edited by NYAD at June 23, 2023 1:44 PM MDT
      June 22, 2023 10:12 AM MDT

  • 53524


      Guards! Guards! I want to see the Warden, the District Attorney, the Police Commissioner, even the Mayor! Transfer me to solitary confinement, throw me in the hole, put me on bread and water, any kind of punishment you can come up with is less cruel and less unusual than this! Let me out of here, get me out of this cell! Send me to the worst maximum security prison there is! I’m willing to turn state’s evidence, I’ll rat out anyone you want me to, I’ll confess to almost anything, I’ll take the rap for being the mastermind! Guards! Arrrrrrrgggghhh!

      June 22, 2023 10:47 AM MDT

  • 844
    Kryptonite Ladies, kryptonite !!
      June 22, 2023 5:02 PM MDT

  • 5451
    Umm, Randy?  This is a women’s prison.  How did you get in here?

    Oh, I see.

    Hey Randy, you know those guards you fired for letting me come and go at your house anytime I pleased?  Umm, yeah, they all found new jobs.  They’re the prison guards here now.  I hope you treated them well when they worked for you.  You don’t want them taking you to that one room.

      June 23, 2023 1:44 PM MDT

  • 53524


      Fellas, it’s me, your old boss and your great pal, Randolph D Randall! “Fired” is such an ugly term; we here at Randall Amalgamated International Directorate Conglomerates Unlimited Managament prefer the term “temporarily reassigned without pay or benefits for a permanent amount of time beyond the scope and influence of this particular business venue with absolutely no opportunity to reclaim previous position or salary”. Of course, you will remember that when you were employed by me, I always took great care of you by always providing you with the last vestiges of uneaten remains of whatever sandwich I was too bloated to finish devouring, no matter how slight, up to and including a few measly crumbs or a smear of mustard that escaped my ravenous appetite. And how about those Christmas bonuses of grammar textbooks from 1926 to 1943? These are collectors’ items, pass them down through at least three generations of your descendants and tell them to hang onto that literary goldmine until 2085, and they’ll all be millionaires. I also let you send your children and elderly relatives to the restoration projects for no salaries at my chain of run-down, decrepit no-tell motels; hard work like that comes around only once in a lifetime, you know. 

      So go easy on your ol’ pal Randy D; I’m willing to overlook your collective mistake of accepting jobs through Livvie’s fake hiring agency. Go on welfare and leave her in a lurch. It’s all she deserves. Grrrrrrr.

      June 25, 2023 5:01 AM MDT