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What do you think Trump will wear to court on Monday?

I’m thinking he will wear his blue suit and an extra long red tie – or maybe he will wear his other blue suit and his other extra long red tie. This trial will be different for Trump – he can’t just shake his head and leave like he did last time he was in court. Once it starts Trump will have to sit there until the judge says it’s time to go. I bet at some point during the trial Trump will find himself in contempt of court and they will take his extra long red tie and his shoe laces before they put him in a cell. Cheers and happy weekend!

Posted - April 13


  • 23387
    Of course, he'd think it's all an extreme assault to him, the country, the world, the history of humankind . He is SO important. Anything that happens to him is SO important. (He believes.)

    Whether he's elected or not in November, the man is not presidential material to me.
    I know that if in any of the many, many jobs I've had n my lifetime thus far --  If I said any of some of the things he's said, and behaved in some of the ways he's behaved  -- all while in public --  while doing my job -- I'd be fired. ( So far, I've only been fired from my first job -- I'm a miserable failure in restaurant/food service jobs, ha! I admire anyone who is successful in that line of work.)

    BUT! :)  On a more fun note --  the fact that he said that line up there in the picture (thanks for sharing that he said it), makes me smile again! I think it's all been the first time I've ever smiled while looking at him. And I am shaking my head while I smile.
    I'll take it.   :)
      April 16, 2024 2:16 PM MDT

  • 1953
    I'm guessing he'll wear his hot pants...... You know liar liar pants on fire.
      April 25, 2024 6:50 PM MDT