Him saying the worm could have been from too much tuna sounds like a cover up story. I think it is from eating too many live slugs. Slugs carry a heart worm parasite that can migrate to the brain and eat the brain. He probably figures he would get more votes and sympathy if he said it was from mercury instead of from eating live slugs. As far as him saying - worm or not he could still beat Biden in a debate – I say nay anybody who eats live slugs is probably too stupid to debate Biden. Maybe he could beat Trump in a debate but not Biden. Cheers!
I’m stating to smell another cover up story for this brain worm thing. Kennedy said that the brain worm is probably dead. But I don’t think it is – I think the brain worm is alive and well and it is living the high life in his brain. Kennedy was a long term heroin addict so it is likely that there is still heroin in his brain cells and the brain worm thrives on it. Kennedy probably knows that if the story ever broke that he has a brain worm that is hopped up on heroin living in his head it would be bad for his political career. So he made up the cover story about the tuna. Cheers!