A Canadian immigration lawyer says now that Donald Trump is a convicted felon, he is technically barred from crossing the border into Canada. Mario Bellissimo says that makes him "criminally inadmissible, and he can't apply to change that until five years after he serves his sentence. However, if Trump is elected United States president in the meantime, exemptions could be made. But he would have to show the Immigration Department, or the federal minister, that he had a compelling reason to be in Canada and that he wouldn't commit more crimes on this side of the border. Cheers!
I’m wondering if Scotland has the same law. Trump has a golf coarse there so he might not be able to go there for a game. Cheers!
Maybe Trump’s Felony charges will keep him out of the WH.
Felons aren't allowed in the US military. So how can Trump be commander in chief? Cheers and happy weekend!