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Joe Biden dropped out after a poor debate. Will Trump after Kamala completely PWNED him?

Posted - September 11, 2024


  • 35077
    She did not win the debate.

    Trump is not going anywhere but back to the White House on Jan 20 2025. 
      September 11, 2024 6:12 AM MDT

  • 17088
    Which debate were you watching? She DESTROYED him.
      September 11, 2024 6:40 PM MDT

  • 35077
    Look at the polls before and after....Trump won. 

    Yes, she did better than Biden but that is low bar. She was well rehearsed.  But she lost on policy. And as you can see the independents were trending real time with Trump. 
      September 12, 2024 6:02 AM MDT

  • 4288
    In several polls taken since Tuesday night's presidential debate, Vice President Kamala Harris seemingly was the winner of her contest with former President Donald Trump.

    In polling conducted by CNN, 63% of debate watchers said Harris won, compared to 37% who thought Trump won. Before the debate, respondents were evenly split on who they thought would perform better.

    Meanwhile, a YouGov poll taken after the debate showed 43% thought Harris won the debate, versus 28% who said Trump, while 30% said unsure.

    When asked who offered a better plan for solving the country's problems, 42% said Harris while 33% said Trump.


    FOX 5 DC also asked viewers who they believed had the best showing in the debate. In that poll, Harris came out on top – earning 54% of the vote compared to Trump’s 45% Another 1% thought it was a tie.
      September 12, 2024 10:10 AM MDT

  • 17088
    Read something other than Rupert. Everyone else had Kam winning 63% to 37.
      September 12, 2024 6:43 PM MDT

  • 35077
    In the last week she did NOT get a bump nationally. But regardless that is not how we elect our President in the US.  

    And in the states that are going to decide this election. She lost ground.

    So say she won if it makes you feel better. But the polls are not saying that at the moment.  
      September 14, 2024 12:36 PM MDT

  • 11591
    Some context: The first graphic is a poll for just the economy. This is the CNN poll for who won the debate.

    The second graphic is a poll of only 17 participants. Fox did not clarify how they were chosen to participate. 

    This post was edited by Jane S at September 12, 2024 9:15 PM MDT
      September 12, 2024 7:42 PM MDT

  • 11425

    Harris won the debate in more ways than one. After watching the debate Taylor Swift gave her endorsement to Harris - she also encouraged people to visit The site includes information about how to register to vote and cast a ballot. 337,826 people clicked on the link she provided and it is a pretty good bet those people will be voting for Harris. Cheers!


    This post was edited by Nanoose at September 12, 2024 1:15 PM MDT
      September 12, 2024 10:48 AM MDT

  • 11591
    Yes, but JD Vance's response was that no one is going to listen to a billionaire celebrity who is disconnected from the interests and problems of everyday Americans.

    Anybody see anything wrong with that statement?  From Donald Trump to Oprah Winfrey, billionaire celebrities have a lot of influence. 

      September 13, 2024 5:34 AM MDT

  • 11425

    When Vance said that – the reporter should of said 480 million fans that’s who. Swift has that many fans because her songs are all about the interests and problems of every day Americans – so I think Vance is the one that is disconnected. Cheers!

      September 13, 2024 8:25 AM MDT

  • 11591
    We can't get too confident. Many of those fan are too young too vote and many are not Americans.  But, even a fraction of her fans who decide to vote is going to help.
      September 13, 2024 10:42 AM MDT

  • 11425

    For over 8 years I have been working 24/7 to point out to the world that Trump is unfit for office. But now I am so confident that Harris will win and Trump will become a has been - that I am planning on taking a well deserved vacation to Liverpool. Cheers and happy weekend!


      September 13, 2024 11:02 AM MDT

  • 17088
    The issue will hinge on who turns out to vote. The under 40s will vote for Harris practically as a bloc, but historically they've been the demographic least likely to vote at all. The Trumpicans will all show, so it comes down to how organised the Harris campaign is in getting their voters out. Trump hasn't got a prayer of winning the popular vote but he's won office without it before - the disproportionate representation of the redneck states in the EC means that she needs a blue wave - the ripple that the "red wave" turned out to be at the midterms probably won't be enough if duplicated the other way. To overcome the built-in gerrymander she needs to win BIGLY.
    The question will be - how much of the electorate will remember the fustercluck that his first term was? He presided over more peacetime deaths than any other President in history and many of those could have been prevented had he taken COVID seriously early enough. Joe Biden didn't win the 2020 election, Trump lost it. The Democrats could have nominated a hat rack. He won by not being Trump. Kamala is a lot more electable than Joe but voters have notoriously short memories.
      September 14, 2024 9:17 AM MDT

  • 4288
    No.  His ego wouldn't permit that.  I would have liked to see her be more specific about her policies, but then again, neither was Trump.  When asked about his health plan, his saying, “I have concepts of a plan,” was ridiculous.  in general, I think she definitely came out ahead of Trump. This post was edited by Spunky at September 11, 2024 8:27 AM MDT
      September 11, 2024 8:09 AM MDT

  • 11591
    His ego and his desire to avoid prison.
      September 11, 2024 8:27 AM MDT

  • 4288
    I understand why the judge postponed sentencing until after the election, but it's unfortunate that he had to do it to avoid even a whiff of partisanship on his part.  Eileen Cannon should take a lesson from him.
      September 11, 2024 8:37 AM MDT

  • 11591
    It doesn't matter, Trump will appeal and his sentence will be stayed until after the appeal. 
      September 11, 2024 8:53 AM MDT

  • 4288
    I agree, but hopefully he will not be president when all those appeals are filed. 
      September 11, 2024 9:43 AM MDT

  • 11425

    I figure Harris got the best of Trump. A lot of news outlets figure Harris got the best of Trump And judging by his body language – Trump knew Harris got the best of him. But I figure the only way Trump will drop out is if he has a massive heart attack from high blood pressure caused by anger. He was pretty angry last night. And this morning he woke up to the news that his media stock fell another 10 points. He also woke up to Swift giving her endorsement to Harris after she watched the debate. Crazy part is even if Trump has a massive heart attack we will not be seeing the last of him because the GOP will pull a weekend at Bernie's. Cheers! 

      September 11, 2024 8:38 AM MDT