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Discussion » Questions » Traditions » Do you think any women go into salons or beauty parlors and specifically request the “Karen” look?

Do you think any women go into salons or beauty parlors and specifically request the “Karen” look?

  Also, imagine what happens if/when they’re not satisfied with the results.   “Someone get me the manager! ASAP! Grrrrrrrr.”

Posted - 12 hours ago


  • 3391
    Ahem - ditch the comma after "beauty."

    Personally, that isn't a look I would find flattering on me,  I also don't care for the "striped cat" hair coloring.  I am embracing my natural gray strands which, thankfully, are silvery and shiny rather than yellowish.  I'm almost all silver on top front and now finding streaks on the sides.  
      September 21, 2024 9:07 AM MDT

  • 53345

    Thank you for catching that INCORRECTLY PLACED COMMA! I was wrong for putting it there in the first place, I was wrong for failing to proofread, I was wrong for not fixing my own mistake before it was pointed out to me! Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. There is no one else to blame, the fault is truly mine and mine alone. I cannot truthfully nor arrogantly point a finger toward anyone other than myself.

      September 21, 2024 6:39 PM MDT

  • 23391

    If they're smart, they would. 


    Officially unrelated to question, I know:

    I adopted a rescue stray cat.
    My first glance at her, and her lovely eyes reminded me of an actress I really admire - - Karen Black.

    Karen Black Dead at 74, Known for 'Five Easy Pieces,' 'Nashville' - TheWrap

    And I named my new feline housemate "Karen.'
    She was a lovely, lovely housemate to me for years. She had to be put down last October with severely declined health. I held her in my arms. I still miss her.

    And I still get angry hearing what is to me utter stupidity and disrespect to the name (and to those named) Karen.

    I'm not angry at you about the use of the name. :)

      September 21, 2024 1:16 PM MDT

  • 10666
    I can't answer a question with a rogue comma in it.
      September 21, 2024 1:18 PM MDT

  • 53345

      I don’t even know was wrong with me, I am deeply ashamed and I prostrate myself before the court begging undeserved mercy and sorrowfully plead for forgiveness! It never should have been there from the beginning, and I am horrified that I have subjected my gentle readers and loyal fans to such utter, filthy, vile error! How could I do this to all of you, how DARE I?


      September 21, 2024 6:59 PM MDT

  • 8004
    OMG Jane you are ruthless, I love your style.  :  )
      September 21, 2024 7:35 PM MDT