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Would you call a friend who has not replied to your text/email /message?

I was ill a couple weeks ago, and my friend happened to call me to ask me to come for the holidays in December. I was so elated and happy
she asked, but I needed to FB message her as I could barely talk or walk; had food poisoning. I explained that to her in the message, and for nearly 2 weeks have not heard anything... not hope you feel better, sorry about that, or anything... do I call her to thank her still for the invite ? (I know she is a big 'phone' person.. but I just don't feel a positive vibe )

Posted - November 11, 2016


  • Hmm I'd call or text.. thing is people are always thinking the other is thinking this or that, but we just cannot really know... so best to ask.. If you want to go and are happy to spend time in the holidays with her then yes, do just call or text to say thanks for the invite, I'd be happy to accept.  

    People are funny things.. she may have worried you were being evasive, not keen when you were ill - she may have worried you were making it up to try to get out of it.. to avoid accepting... 

    Give her a call to clear the air :)
      November 12, 2016 2:07 AM MST

  • 11512
    Yes, of course I would call. I would be concerned about her. Don't always assume it's all about you.
      November 12, 2016 5:05 AM MST

  • 53667
    I remember the good ol' days before email and texting existed. I don't think this dilemma reared its ugly head quite as often back then. 

      November 12, 2016 11:02 AM MST