What’s so wrong about using binos? You make it sound like a bad thing, something dirty! Restraining orders leave me no other choice, you know. Grrrrrr.
I’ve recently discovered a new funding source that looks quite promising in keeping me in top quality tildes, financing several trips to and from Minneapolis, absorbing research expenditures for locating “someone” there and paying court costs and legal fees associated with the civil enforcement if necessary, providing slush money and bribery money for amiable authorities who show themselves to be sympathetic to my causes, anti-importation of Vegemite/mayonnaise/avocados, and last but not least, modifications to fortify the sub-basement against unauthorized breaches departures.
You’ve got me all wrong! Everything is out in the open and above board! I’m a legitimate businessman, a pillar of the community! Hold on, my defense attorneys are here to prepare for an upcoming hearing in superior court. I have to go now, sorry.
She’s just kidding around with the whole restraining order jazz. She files them in a playful way, sort of like the banter between lovers in a romcom. In reality, however, she’s crazy about me, her lust for me knows no bounds.
She’s good at hiding her true emotions, puts up a brave front. But when she and I rendezvous, FIREWORKS!
((((Zack, she gets a bit clingy and possessive, she really dominates my time. Attachment issues, you see.
I just humor her, these situations have to be handled delicately so she doesn’t fall apart. Play along, ok? Shhhhh.))))
Hey, wait! I didn’t think of that angle! I thought she only loves me for me!
So the whole Swiss bank account she set up and insisted I deposit money into is not really a nest egg for when she and I run off together some day?