Yesterday on Truth Social Trump wrote - “The ‘Pardons’ that Sleepy Joe Biden gave to the Unselect Committee of Political Thugs, and many others, are hereby declared VOID, VACANT, AND OF NO FURTHER FORCE OR EFFECT, because of the fact that they were done by Autopen,”.
I think that's pretty funny – once Trump claimed that he could declassify a document by just thinking about it – so why couldn't Biden do a pardon by Autopen.
Trump also made the claim while on Air force One.
The weather navigation officer on Air Force One - was asked what he thought of Trump’s claim and he said – looks like reign. Cheers!
Maybe I would of cared about his decree if he had refrained from making fun of Biden’s “skinny” legs (that one was pretty childish) so his decree's mean nothing to me.
Trump made the autopen clam without providing any evidence or facts. Plus he can’t do that by simply declaring it - and hereby making it so.
Courts will decide. But Trump has ignored court dissensions in the past and he is doing it again. So so much for he party of law and order. Cheers!
I just read about what Trump is now saying about the judge that blocked his deportation plan.
And I think it points out that Trump has no plans on letting courts decide things for certain.
“This Radical Left Lunatic of a Judge, a troublemaker and agitator who was sadly appointed by Barack Hussein Obama, was not elected President,” Trump wrote in a Truth Social post. Cheers!