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Have Bible prophecies ever served any useful purpose?

Other than to help convince some people that there MUST be a God...

Posted - January 9, 2017


  • 2657

    The following is from the Biblical encyclopedia Insight on the Scriptures:

    In what way did ‘the bearing witness to Jesus inspire prophesying’?

    In the apostle John’s vision he was told by an angel that “the bearing witness to Jesus is what inspires [literally, “is the spirit of”] prophesying.” (Re 19:10) The apostle Paul calls Christ “the sacred secret of God” and says that “carefully concealed in him are all the treasures of wisdom and of knowledge.” (Col 2:2, 3) This is because Jehovah God assigned to his Son the key role in the outworking of God’s grand purpose to sanctify His name and restore earth and its inhabitants to their proper place in His arrangement of things, doing this by means of “an administration at the full limit of the appointed times, namely, to gather all things together again in the Christ, the things in the heavens and the things on the earth.” (Eph 1:9, 10; compare 1Co 15:24, 25.) Since the fulfillment of God’s great purpose is all bound up in Jesus (compare Col 1:19, 20), then all prophecy, that is, all inspired messages from God proclaimed by his servants, pointed toward his Son. Thus, as Revelation 19:10 states, the entire “spirit” (the whole inclination, intent, and purpose) of prophecy was to bear witness to Jesus, the one Jehovah would make “the way and the truth and the life.” (Joh 14:6) This would be true not only of prophecy that preceded Jesus’ earthly ministry but also of prophecy subsequent thereto.—Ac 2:16-36.


    Purpose and Time of FulfillmentProphecy, whether prediction, simply inspired instruction, or reproof, served for the benefit of both those initially hearing it and those in all future periods who would put faith in God’s promises. For the original receivers, the prophecies assured them that the passing of years or centuries had not caused God to waver in his purpose, that he was holding firm to his covenant terms and promises. (Compare Ps 77:5-9; Isa 44:21; 49:14-16; Jer 50:5.) Daniel’s prophecy, for example, provided information that constituted an invaluable link between the close of the writing of the Hebrew or pre-Christian Scriptures and Messiah’s coming. Its forecast of world events, including the rise and fall of successive world powers, gave assurance to Jews living during the centuries of Persian, Greek, and Roman dominance (as well as to Christians thereafter) that there was no “blind spot” in God’s forevision, that their own times were indeed foreseen and that Jehovah’s sovereign purpose was still certain of fulfillment. It protected them against putting faith and hope in such passing world regimes with their transient power of control and enabled those faithful ones to direct their course with wisdom.—Compare Da 8:20-26; 11:1-20.

    The fact that many prophecies were fulfilled in their own times convinced sincere ones of God’s power to carry out his purpose despite all opposition. It was proof of his unique Godship that he, and he alone, could foretell such events and bring them to pass. (Isa 41:21-26; 46:9-11) These prophecies also enabled them to become better acquainted with God, understanding more clearly his will and the moral standards by which he acts and judges, so that they might harmonize their lives with these.—Isa 1:18-20; 55:8-11.

      January 9, 2017 9:40 AM MST

  • 22891
      January 9, 2017 3:44 PM MST

  • 1326
    The bible contains numerous prophecies, many of which have already been fulfilled.  An example of these prophecies is found in the book of isaiah.  Jehovah had foretold that the city of Babylon would be destroyed. (Isaiah 13:19; 14:22,23)details were given to show just how the city would be conquered. Invading armies would dry up babylon's  river and march into the city without a battle. Another fascinating part of this prophecy is that Isaiah even named the king who would conquer babylon-cyrus.-( isaiah 44:27-45:2)

    200 years later -on the night of October 5/6 before our common era-an army encamped near babylon. Who was its commander? A Persian king named cyrus. The stage was thus set for the fulfillment of an amazing prophecy. But would the army of cyrus invade babylon without a battle, as foretold?

    The Babylonins were holding a festival that night and felt secure behind their massive city walls. Meanwhile, Cyrus cleverly diverted the water of the river that flowed through the city. Soon the water was shallow enough for his men to cross the riverbed and approach the walls of the city.  But how would cyrus' army get past babylon's walls?  For some reason, on that night the doors to the city were carelessly left open!

    Regarding babylon, it was foretold: "she will never be inhabited, nor will she be a place to reside in throughout all generations. No Arab will pitch his tent there, and no shepherds will rest their flocks there." (Isaiah 13:20) this prophecy did more than predict a city's fall. It showed that babylon would be desolated permanently. You can see evidence of the fulfillment of these words. The uninhabited site of ancient Babylon-about 50 miles south of Baghdad, iraq-is proof that what jehovah spoke through Isaiah has been fulfilled: "i willl sweep her with the broom of annilation." (Isaiah 14:22,23)

    Considering how the bible is a book of reliable prophecy is faith strengthening, after all, if Jehovah God has fulfilled his past promises, we have every reason to be confident that he will also fulfill his promise of a paradise earth. (Numbers 23:19) indeed, we have "hope of the everlasting life that God, who cannot lie, promised long ago." (Titus 1:2) This post was edited by Autumnleaves at January 11, 2017 3:34 PM MST
      January 10, 2017 11:46 PM MST