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Discussion » Questions » answerMug » Muggers, please help us refine our photo policies. Would you consider the photo here appropriate for the main areas of the site or only appropriate in the adult section?

Muggers, please help us refine our photo policies. Would you consider the photo here appropriate for the main areas of the site or only appropriate in the adult section?

Posted - July 13, 2016


  • 676

    Keep it in the adult section.

    Thank you.

      July 13, 2016 1:08 PM MDT

  • 1128


    We BOTH know of certain people who post for attention only: whether it be pictures or questions. THEY make it hard for those who see things through an artistic eye to be taken seriously. 

    People either have class or they don't. 

      July 13, 2016 1:29 PM MDT

  • 1128

    Where is the art in this BILLY? It is just a video of someone shaking their bootie. 

    Art is quite different and beautiful. 

      July 13, 2016 1:35 PM MDT

  • 3375

      July 13, 2016 1:38 PM MDT

  • 3934

    I answered this nearly identical question in AdultMug, and I stand by my answer there.

    I don't have much problem with the content of the photo (as noted by others, we see more risque things in many other venues).

    HOWEVER, I don't believe this picture serves as the basis for any legitimate discussion which would normally occur in the main section of Answermug unless it was:

    A) What's the raciest picture you can post on Answermug that won't get banned?

    B) What are the limits of pornography?

    I think the most likely reason someone would post this picture is to see if he/she could get away with it. Then he/she would try to post something even more risque, and then we're on the slippery slope to the people who posted full frontals with a sock covering the schwanze.

    I believe the best approach to apply with pictures like this at the boundaries of the TOS is to apply judgement. If someone posts a picture like this in the context of a discussion and it's relevant, give the poster the benefit of the doubt. If the picture is posted along with 10 other pictures that push the boundaries of the TOS and it seems clear the intent is to push the boundaries, then put a stop to it.

      July 13, 2016 1:42 PM MDT

  • 17260
    I was the one posting the photo originally. The photo was original posted as a sentiment I felt when I found it. I like B/W photos, and I liked this one. I wanted to add it inside my photo album, I'm not aware if we can make them private, for only our friends to see them. I'll have to look into this feature, and if it's available. We could at EP.

    I am not looking for attention by audience around the photo, or comments and likes. I merely wanted to share it. With my friends if they liked watching my photos. Not everyone of you are part of adultMug. Besides, we don't have a photo album available there.

    JA felt it was against the ToS here, which I accepted, but I did also tell her I was disagreeing. Just to give you the background of the photo and how it went here for us to comment on.
      July 13, 2016 1:42 PM MDT

  • 1128

      July 13, 2016 1:45 PM MDT

  • 3375


    You know, that is the word...CLASS!

    Because one holds a bar up does not make them a prude or intolerant.  I hate the assumption.  Some of us chose to celebrate our sensuality in a more private manner.  I often think that people that need to put up degrading pictures and talk about graphic acts all the time are lacking something in their real life.  

    Sorry, that is my assumption when I see that sort of behavior on the internet day in and day out.  

      July 13, 2016 1:46 PM MDT

  • 17641

    Since you allow children on this site, the photo should not be allowed in the main area.  There are a couple of avatars that are similarly inappropriate for kids. 

      July 13, 2016 1:50 PM MDT

  • 17641

    Do you find it appropriate for 13 year olds?

      July 13, 2016 1:51 PM MDT

  • 3375

    Knowing what little I do of your character, I am sure your intentions were all good.  You seem to cherish what is around you and it is unfortunate that you ever got lumped in with some of the crap we see out here.  

    If I never saw that dumb gif of the girl shaking her ass or the words "homo" and "fag" on here, it would be a good day.  

    It's all about context.

      July 13, 2016 1:51 PM MDT

  • 17641

    The question is if it's appropriate for 13 year old children since they are allowed here.  Not whether you are offended or this it is artistic.

      July 13, 2016 1:52 PM MDT

  • 17641

      July 13, 2016 1:53 PM MDT

  • 17641

      Definitely inappropriate for 13 year old kids.  Too bad we aren't all adults here.

      July 13, 2016 1:53 PM MDT

  • 3375

      July 13, 2016 1:58 PM MDT

  • 17260
    I was the one posting this photo which was deleted by moderation. For me it only was a wish to share this lovely photo inside my album and share it with those who wants to look at lovely B/W photos. I have no wish to see what I can get away with. I actually accepted JA's moderation but also told her I wasn't agreeing in the premises given. I would make the album private for only me and my friends if possible, the same way we could at EP. There all my photos were private, even my memes.
      July 13, 2016 1:59 PM MDT

  • 17260
    The youngest allowed on this site according to ToS will be 14 years old, and most likely have been exposed to TV reality shows and music videos with content of a sexual character which this photo isn't showing at all. IMO.
      July 13, 2016 2:01 PM MDT

  • 1128

    People crying out for attention truly make me ill.

    A video of someone bouncing up and down in a skimpy top or shaking their booty is not art. lol

    A poignant picture depicting something sensual is completely different.

    I 'am' old school, but am able to distinguish the difference.

      July 13, 2016 2:05 PM MDT

  • 17641

    My response is to JA.  Maybe your 14 year old. 

      July 13, 2016 2:10 PM MDT

  • 3375

    I do believe it belongs in the adult section since my concern would be what others have expressed; that there will always be someone that will post something far more reaching and think it's OK.

    We do have a younger audience and others that may not want it in the main area.  There is an adult section which I think is a good idea and gives everyone a place to express themselves.

    But can we have some consistency with the rules?  If that picture doesn't belong here, why allow all those ass shaking gifs that appear everywhere?  I can avoid posts I don't care to read, but some of this stuff is placed in posts that have nothing to do with sex.  

      July 13, 2016 2:12 PM MDT

  • 3375

    We can't be the only ones that find it completely tasteless and in your face.  It's spam at this point.

      July 13, 2016 2:15 PM MDT

  • 77

      July 13, 2016 2:17 PM MDT

  • 1128

    SapphicHeart, People like yourself are not the ones I worry about.  I've always seen you carry yourself with CLASS. Unfortunately some do things for attention, which makes it hard for your sentiment of the picture you posted to be taken seriously.

    You are a rare gem SapphicHeart. Stay that way!  ;-)

      July 13, 2016 2:18 PM MDT

  • 7939

    I have no idea what you're referring to. The only thing I can possibly think happened here was that you included policy-violating images with clean images. If we're talking about something that was removed from this thread in the past eh, 8 hours or so, I was asleep. I do have a mod who helps me with these sections, but she cannot "edit" a thread. She can only delete entire comments. If it was me, I would be able to remove the inappropriate photos of people licking each other and leave the family-friendly ones of people kissing in a park... I can go into questions/ comments and selectively  pull things. My mod cannot. So, when she sees one part of a comment that violates the policy, the whole comment has to get deleted. 

    Beyond that, I am at a loss for what might have happened or what you could be referring to.

      July 13, 2016 2:37 PM MDT

  • 7939

    My point is that people asked for tougher photo regulations and so I gave them. Now, we have the issue where people are posting things and they get removed, and they they don't think they're "adult" in nature.

    Thong girl doesn't bother me personally, but she is showing her bare bum. That should be a clear violation of the no-nudity clause. Bikini girl stays because she isn't overtly sexual and all her bits are covered.

    I'm open to discussing the policies, which is the whole reason this is posted. I don't think thong girl would get "approval" from the general audience because her butt is showing, but we're looking into whether some sexually-charged photos can stay.

      July 13, 2016 2:43 PM MDT