Discussion » Questions » Politics » What's middle of the road? Is it the same as wishy-washy? or undecided? Are they good or bad in the scheme of things?

What's middle of the road? Is it the same as wishy-washy? or undecided? Are they good or bad in the scheme of things?

This is inspired by a comment on another thread.. and it got me thinking...  and warning this IS Trump related.... 

Someone said we should be careful of name calling re Trump.. cos it might offend the middle of the road people..  Personally I've never needed to fit in or change my behaviour to be accepted and I don't much like the idea that we should do that.. but thinking about these middle of the road people... 

I think i have decided I don't have much respect for them! If these are people who overlook and ignore Trump's truly appalling behaviour, the lying, the hate speech, the insults, the thoroughly ill-tempered tweets, the unprofessionalism, the stupidity, the bullying attitude then I have decided that these are people who by doing nothing aide and abet such awful behaviour.. My feeling here harks back to another inspirational post on here.. about good men doing nothing.. 

And I suppose my thinking is that if good men sit back and allow and do nothing to even address or protest at bad behaviour then imo, (and yes it only my opinion) then they aren't nice people and they aren't people I can respect and so no definitely I am not going to be worrying about people like that..

So that aside.. enlighten me.. WHO are these middle of the roaders.. what kind of people are they? Do they have any political persuasion? What makes a person see bad behaviour but say nothing? I am curious to know.. human behaviour fascinates me.. what would be the motive of such IN-action, the failure to speak up.. to be counted.... 

Posted - March 9, 2017


  • 22891
    what you just described
      March 9, 2017 10:42 AM MST

  • Hi DDBTD,

    It is a fair dinkum question...
    I ran into THE MIDDLE WAY 1990 through Joseph Campbell, his Arthurian mythology/legends. Sir Parsifal, Perceval, "piercing the valley." One of the lessons for  knights in quest of The Grail, was to find the deep peace below the constant turmoil of the opposites, no longer tossed by emotion.

    The idea is that when you penetrate the valley deeply, this Middle Way, seeing life from the perspective of oneness, you can actually discern any situation more clearly and understand how to take effective action.
    And your whole experience of life itself is actually said to be deeper, more satisfying, fulfilling.
      March 9, 2017 12:16 PM MST

  • Yes, and I agree wholeheartedly... and that's a good thing.. it seemed a little buddhist-ish to me too.. to take the path of peace beauty and tranquility.. yes all good. but not where Trump is concerned.. he has shown by his words an actions that he is far from benign..  He has already and will continue to harm others, even just in the example of climate change.. if he pulls out of agreements, and charges ahead with actions that will effectively make other countries efforts futile then he will damage nations who are at risk of flooding, he will damage wildlife and people's ability to support themselves sustainably ... take race relations.. the damage his words has already caused.. I could go on an on an on...

    So yea I am all for being tranquil but not if it means condoning evil. or standing by while others suffer.
      March 10, 2017 7:58 AM MST

  • 5450
    My definition of the middle of the road is someone who has some liberal ideas and some conservative ideas and political animals in the USA are completely clueless about that group.  

    They like to package people into little groups usually defined by things like gender race or age and when people in that group don't all think the same way it causes the brains of news people and pundits to short circuit and then smoke starts coming from their heads.
      March 9, 2017 8:15 PM MST

  • Dear Livvie,
    I absolutely loved reading your thoughts on this, the imagery!
      March 9, 2017 10:47 PM MST

  • Yes, good definition.. and I think in many things many of us are, or can be middle of the road.. it's no bad thing..  Only in this case, the Trump case.. I cannot feel it's good.. to stand by, to even say, let's give him a chance, after all the terrible and shocking things he has done...   I dont get that... just don't :(
      March 10, 2017 7:50 AM MST

  • 5450
    There are more questions in the description of your question but some of them aren't as easy to answer.

    "Someone said we should be careful of name calling re Trump.. cos it might offend the middle of the road people."

    Saying that is putting middle of the road people into a package and trying to make them all think alike which is where political animals in the USA go wrong right away.  Treating people who have some liberal beliefs and some conservative beliefs as one group and trying not to offend them is an impossible standard.

    WHO are these middle of the roaders?

    They're everybody who doesn't toe either the liberal party line or the conservative party line or they're people who don't pay attention to politics and that's a whole lot of people.

    What kind of people are they?

    They're all different kinds.

    Do they have any political persuasion?

    Yes but they're liberal on some things and conservative on other things and the beliefs they take from either side can still be the opposite of what another middle of the road person believes from each side.

    What makes a person see bad behaviour but say nothing?

    Who exactly does something need to be said to?  I thought he was being a total   a few times so yeah, I said something about it when it came up in conversation.

      March 11, 2017 9:57 PM MST

  • Thank you Livvie... your explanation was patient and reasoned. I appreciate that..People forget I think that, while I know lots about Trump (lol more than I want to know!) and I've been learning about the States for over 20 years, in real terms there's much I don't understand...  
    Like this term middle of the road.. it uses words I understand.. middle.. road etc.. and I have an idea that it sorta means people who are not one side or the other.. But it was used in a context that I didn't understand.. like it was a known entity.. but I didn't know it.. it seemed to mean something to the poster.. but I didn't know what.. I took it to mean, (perhaps wrongly) the people who say oh, let's give Trump a chance, he might be ok.. So these middle of the roaders, as such.. are saying something.. and it's neutral or fairly supportive of Trump... or that was the suggestion...  
    And I really am not comfortable with that.. to say that after all the awful things Trump has said and done, the way he has behaved, ranting and raving like a mad man, tweeting insanely.. these are not rational ways to behave, and certainly not for a President. So i don't get it.. I don't understand ...do they not see or understand the dreadful things Trump has said and done?? I don't know!!  But if they do know.. and they seem to overlook the awful things he has said.. and done.. then I really find it hard to respect him.. 
    You are the only one who has taken the trouble to try to explain these middle of the roaders to me - thank you  cos that was definitely a large part of my question. 
      March 12, 2017 9:05 AM MDT

  • Since this is about Trump then you can say I'm middle of the road in that I wouldn't have voted for him but I'm prepared to see how things turn out before I would start bad mouthing him. 
      March 9, 2017 11:37 PM MST

  • Interesting.. so you overlook and ignore all the terrible evil things he has said? the tantrums? the manic unprofessional tweeting like a rabid idiot?  I base my opinion on objective observation.. I looked, I saw he was a foul-mouthed nasty man with less than zero class and ethics.. so I don't like him.. simple as that.. 

    if i see a rabid monster then I act like I've seen a rabid monster.. I don't dress it up or try to pretend it's not a monster.. say it as it is.. 

    Interestingly everyone else I have ever spoken to here feels the same.. we judge on what we see 
      March 10, 2017 7:45 AM MST

  • I'm not overlooking anything I see his faults very clearly but what you can't see if that it's his performance in the next four years as President of the US that we have to judge, and everyone else you've spoken to on here obviously does not feel the same as per the comments.
      March 10, 2017 1:37 PM MST

  • 34595
    So you have no respect for any one who is not partisan on issues?
    I respect people regardless of their opinion. I have definate opinions on most issues and tend to be right wing. But I would be middle of the road on things like welfare in that I believe we should have a safety net for the poor and that how we go able getting more people off the welfare roles is not by cutting the programs but by increasing the economy to people do not need it anymore. There should be a work requirement for those who are able.
      March 10, 2017 5:02 AM MST

  • Ahh sigh m2c you have seemingly falling into the same trap that always gets you here.. no, I never said that at all. I was talking about those who stand by and let evil pervade. Those who see bad things happening but do nothing.. the middle of the road discussion was entirely and only about Trump. He is evil, it reminds me, to a (currently) lesser extreme extent of Hitler.. people stood by, did nothing even though many of the people of the country knew it was wrong,.. this happens of course, ordinary people are often relatively powerless.. but to stand there and be middle of the road in what you say at that point is, imo, tantamount to condoning it.. maybe we can't always DO anything but to not care is a dreadful evil thing imo. 
    So yes, on this particular very narrowly defined specific yes I have no respect for these middle of the road creatures who KNOW the evil Trump has spouted and done but still say crappy things like oh, let's give him time.. no respect for those at all.. those are the people I blame along with the one's who voted for the evil one.. they could have stopped it but they didn't.. that's heinous.. If they are STILL saying that then nope no excuse.. 

    I liken middle of the roaders in this specific case to those who would walk past a starving child or dog in the street.. people who could do something but don't..  As i say this is on one specific thing.. I BLAME these people for all the suffering that will occur, that has already occurred and for the detriment this Trump regime will further cause America - a country I care about, with many people I care about.. As an objective observer.. I DO find it hard to forgive the *people* who voted for the vile one and I blame those who stood by and let it happen, these middle of the roaders almost as much. 

    But none of that translates into my not having respect for other's opinions.. lets not be holier than thou on this one.. let's not stoop to the level of who's more tolerant than whom.. lol I'd probably win that one :P 
      March 10, 2017 7:35 AM MST

  • 34595
    From your description above:
    "....but thinking about these middle of the road people... 

    I think i have decided I don't have much respect for them! ...."

    As you know I am not a middle of the roader on Trump.  I voted for him, I support his policies (that is all I care about not personality). I personally help feed the poor in my town. I do think people should work as I stated in my answer.

    How has American suffered under Trump so far?  Jobs returning, Jobs remaining, Jobs being created....if this is suffering, may we suffer long under Trump for 2 terms.
      March 10, 2017 8:31 AM MST

  • Yeah...that evil overlord who HATES women went and signed the STEM bill......shame on him for helping women get ahead!! 
      March 10, 2017 8:37 AM MST

  • Being an outsider I miss some of the subtleties and in-jokes but would this be the same evil overloard who left his wife to walk to greet the outgoing prez on her own, who didn't stop to show a caring side? Is it the same who pushed his wife so he could get to Obama and Michelle? Is it the same who is anti abortion and women's right to choose? 
    Feel free to link me in on the stem thing.. I always love a chance to learn.
      March 10, 2017 9:51 AM MST

  • https://www.cnet.com/news/trump-women-in-stem-tech-laws/
      March 10, 2017 10:59 AM MST

  • Quite right too.. long overdue imo.. and a fascinating topic re differences between sexes re science and maths and how much is biological and how much perception and nurture. 
      March 10, 2017 11:33 AM MST

  • ahh that's called cherry picking and taking things out of context my friend.. I checked, since one or two people seemed not to have gleaned that this was entirely trump specific.. I was clear, I mentioned the context, often, referring to Trump specifically, repeatedly..I even, took the unprecedented step of adding a tag line, *Trump related* - I did that out of respect for those who aren't into political questions about Strumpet..  not my fault people get the wrong end of the stick :P Happy to help them and explain of course!

    So as I say .. you are cherry picking and using, inadvertently I am sure, a means of manipulation to try to bolster your argument.. sorry it's not on.. I never said I don't respect people who are middle of the road.. I said I don't respect people who are middle of the road on Trump.

    Re harm.. climate change, hate crimes to name a few oh and don't forget the fact that America has lost still more respect internationally now for having a complete incompetent who behaves unprofessionally and without even a modicum of decorum or class...  but let's examine your statement... that's ideology isn't it? Or are you saying that in the last x amount of days there have been physical REAL jobs, and I mean jobs people go to and get paid for, as opposed to TALES of jobs created?  In reality logic dictates that so far all that has happened is TALK of more jobs, promises of more jobs.. i very much doubt there are now x amount of people drawing a pay packet because of Trump.. this is hype.. it's fodder for the masses to believe... people should quit believing and start questioning 




      March 10, 2017 8:52 AM MST

  • I find your comment insulting to say the least.  You are well aware of my feelings and my comments about being middle of the road and you compare people who don't jump on your hate bandwagon to someone who would "walk past a starving child or dog in the street".
    That is NOT definitely NOT having respect for other people's feelings.
      March 10, 2017 12:30 PM MST

  • WOW where did that come from!! Is it hate ME day today? Some people are sure jumpy today.. trigger happy even. 

    I don't even know where to begin in unpicking that lot you just said!  All I can say is.. Middle of the road referred ONLY to Trump, not middle of the road per-se... Really confused as to what you are upset about.. was this a response to comments made to you? The layout on here is confusing at times as all I can see is responses to M2c and Karen...  SO are you feeling insulted on Karen's or m2cs behalf? I shall trawl back to check whether I said anything to offend you personally, but I don't think so.. certainly I never said you weren't entitled to your opinion.. I would have said that I don't *understand* how anyone could support and defend Trump given all he has done and said.. that's just being honest and genuine.. I never at ANY point said they can't think it.. just that I believe him to be evil and I find people who condone by overlooking his awful behaviour hard to respect.. Yes, given all the evidence of Trump's behaviour, I liken him to a dictator, trying to censor the press and attacking anyone who disagrees with him to the scenario of good people who say nothing are akin to those who walk by a starving child.. 
    Sorry you don't like it.. sorry you don't approve.. but even sorrier that despite the fact I never insulted you YOU are insulting me with the suggestion that I have a "hate wagon"  - as to attacking those who disagree with me.. well respectfully I would ask you to examine what you have just done here!  

    FWIW i don't have a hate wagon, I disagree with those who support Trump, that's my right.. as it's yours to disagree with me.. I certainly don't attack people who disagree with me as you have just done!  You will note that i did NOT say YOU are akin to those who would walk by a starving child.. I didn't even really know you were middle of the road re Trump... so i do think this attack is undeserved.. but hey ho if you enjoyed doing it then I guess that it served a purpose.. I hope you feel better now.. 
      March 10, 2017 12:58 PM MST

  • I quoted your comment. You said that middle of the road people were the same as someone who would "walk past a starving child or dog in the street".  Yes you did know I'm middle of the road regarding Trump because I've stated it enough times.

    You've identified yourself as a Brit and from your various comments I take it that you're not a naturalized American citizen.  From what I can see this appears to be a US based website I could be wrong on that but I think it is.  Has it occurred to you that as a foreigner you are daily criticizing the President of the United States, their President?  Like it or not at this moment Trump is the President. 

    I have not insulted you but you've definitely insulted me under the cloak of generality.  You said you were sick of the "give him a chance" people which I've said several times.

    You may not see it as a hate bandwagon but every single day I've been on this site there are several posts from you, lengthy posts criticizing Trump.  Your extreme dislike (I'll put that politely) has been well noted, we get it you don't like him.  I don't particularly like him or his behaviour but he hasn't had time to prove himself as A PRESIDENT that's the part you don't seem to be able to understand. This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 12, 2017 11:38 AM MDT
      March 10, 2017 1:54 PM MST

  • Here's one of your disrespectful comments. "I said I don't respect people who are middle of the road on Trump."
      March 10, 2017 1:55 PM MST

  • Not that you deserve a reply and honestly I shouldn't waste my time but seriously you need to consider... we ALL have people or groups we don't respect.. lets NOT play holier than thou here.. Lets examine a few groups you might not respect if you happened to have strong feelings.. muslims, immigrants, (you've certainly expressed some opinions that don't seem that respectful to them) rapists, child abusers, abortionists or anti-abortionists.. We all have people and groups we don't agree with.. lets NOT pretend otherwise. and hey in this case you jumped all over me because I have little respect for people who are middle of the road on Trump.. so what? Big deal  so you are entitled to get all bristly and  get mad at me because I don't agree that supporting a man who has behaved appallingly, unprofessionally is benign? I am not entitled an opinion? But you are? you have no need to get all indignant about it and pretend you respect everyone.. .. that would be a little unrealistic to say the least.   

    This post was edited by Benedict Arnold at March 11, 2017 2:17 AM MST
      March 11, 2017 2:10 AM MST

  • I have NEVER made a comment that compares people who don't share my views with someone who would "walk past a starving child or dog in the street".  That's rude and insulting and you know that.

    I have simply stated the chaos in Europe and Britain caused by undocumented immigration every word of which you know is true.  That is not insulting it's a fact and I can back up everything I've said.  This in no way compares to your comment above or the comment where you say you're sick of people saying give Trump a chance.  

    Everyone on here has been pretty tolerant of you and as a Brit you know what happens to Americans who go on British websites and criticize us.  They get their bum kicked and told to shove off that it's none of their business. Americans as a whole are more polite and not of the "don't mince words" brigade as we are.  But I do notice that your comments have zero likes that should, it should tell you something.

    " Lets examine a few groups you might not respect if you happened to have strong feelings"
    The key word here is MIGHT I might not respect some of these groups but I certainly don't post daily bashing them and comparing them to people who would walk by a starving child or dog.

    You have insulted every person who did vote for Trump and for those like myself who are on the fence about him and what I am saying is that as a foreigner you should be respectful of the President of the US who is not YOUR President, his actions don't affect you he is THEIR President.

    I'm not wasting any more time on this particular thread but as an Englishwoman it disturbs me deeply that someone from my country would post every day, more than anyone else that I can see, on this website insulting the President of The United States. 

      March 12, 2017 10:49 AM MDT