Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Someone on here mentioned, rightly, that we should not isolate ourselves and should look to solve world problems.. I agree.. do you?

Someone on here mentioned, rightly, that we should not isolate ourselves and should look to solve world problems.. I agree.. do you?

Definitely interested in people's thoughts on this one.. no one should get mad or out of their tree on this one I hope as we should all be able to offer opinions and respect others... yes?

The question was related to immigration.. now I agree that's an emotive issue but lets try to step back from that a bit...and talk about ways it can be resolved...

Here's my take.. it doesn't cover all eventualities..  

I believe that in principle people should be free to migrate... and I believe that NO ONE should face discrimination for doing so, either from their home country or the one they are going to.. However, we should also be realistic and realise that where there is mass migration and immigration this can be problematic.. This is NOT a racist statement... it's not about white supremacy...  all people are equal imo... but we do need to accept that mass immigration harms both the country that people are leaving and the one they go to if the numbers are too high.. it creates physical and environmental pressures and cultural ones when there are too many for another country to sustain... 

My feeling is that yes, we should all work together on this... accept migration but make very sure that there is no intrinsic reason why masses of people leave their own country... for instance the UK has loads of eastern europeans... I've nothing against them.. ask the ones I help... but I cannot help wondering.. they should NOT have to leave to get work.  If we are talking about solving problems then what we need to do is make sure that people have work and opportunity in their own country.. they shouldn't feel they have to all come to the UK... The situation in UK is far from paradise with so many immigrants....
We read that many countries such as Poland have so many of their young people over here.. that they now IMPORT people from other countries to do what those who left would do.. this has an impact on their culture and viability... 

I just feel that we should look at both sides... the side that is losing young people hand over fist as they leave their own country... and the country they all go to that cannot cope with the numbers... 

THe refugee situation is more sensitive still.... but I seem to be the only one who looks at the impact on the country that has so many people leave.. when that country is ok again.. fingers crossed...but they will have lost so many people.. so many young,.. the people needed to build and repair.. to BE Syrian etc.  I just think we should concentrate our efforts on making sure refugees dont have toleave...that they don't want to or need to.. that if they do then they aren't forced to move so very far away from their own country... 

But that's just me...I can assure you I am no racist.. I AM concerned about immigration for lots of reasons.. but I do agree we should look for solutions.. i just don't thik that a sustainable OR good solution is to have so many people leave their own country in such masses...

I think what I mean is this..."MG100 The Green Party's long-term global vision is of an international economic order where the relationship between regions is non-exploitative, each region is as self-reliant and economically self- sufficient as practicable and the quality of life (social, political, environmental, cultural and economic) is such that there is less urge to migrate. Logically, in order to move away from the current level of immigration controls, we must create a fairer world. " this comes from https://policy.greenparty.org.uk/mg.html

Posted - March 17, 2017


  • 17641
      March 17, 2017 11:55 AM MDT

  • 22891
    i dont think its good for anyone to isolate themselves, my parents did that and it affected me my whole life
      March 17, 2017 12:44 PM MDT

  • The only thing one change for the better is to change themselves for the better.  You take care of others best by first taking care of yourself.
      March 17, 2017 1:18 PM MDT

  • Dear Benedict Arnold,
    I do agree with you...at the same time, realistically the pattern has been that a dominant power(s) starts to dictate the process, in selfish interest. The League of Nations, the United Nations...so far, those are the best we have been able to do; has exploitation been reduced?
    Maybe...I hope so...

    But yes; we do need to keep trying...and the foundation you mention of the fairer world is utterly wholesome...
      March 17, 2017 4:20 PM MDT