Why can't the US exercise fiscal responsibility and provide good healthcare for all?
Is it cheaper to let people drop dead from lack of proper healthcare rather than ask the wealthy and the corporations to pay a fair Tax and to reevaluate & prioritize government spending?
Originally, indirect taxation and limited corporations that were established for a set period of time, for the public good, and they were not given special privileges of personhood.
I don't think most people realize that corporations are government creations and that corporations actually are tool of government to extort and control the citizens and create dependence on it while giving it control of the wealth.
No, they do not. Which is why I tell them every time I see that the opportunity presents itself...like right now.
This post was edited by Bozette at March 31, 2017 1:33 AM MDT
There have been lots of cultures where people did all those things without a central government. Are you suggesting that people are too stupid to make a flat place for traveling without a uniformed pickpocket to pay for it?
Louie makes a good point. What do you drive your car on or how do you cross those rivers and streams? How does a society protect itself??? Taxation is a way to ensure that every person contributes to the success of the society they live in. People who don;t want to pay their share to their country are greedy deadbeats who are happy to live off others contributions
True, but what is the primary responsibility of government is the question and the debate. You know me well and I you to understand that we see the role of central government in very different angles yet neither of us see the others as inherently evil or malicious how we arrive at them. If more people could do that certain levels of compromise would begin to take place.
GJ, it is a lousy point. There were roads before there was a government, and this nation won a war against the most powerful force on Earth with no central government. Your reasoning is entirely circular, first assuming something about "their share" and then judging them because they don't want to pay it.
The colonies fought a war mainly because of a tax, and the first thing congress did after the war was to enact a tax exactly like it. G. W. personally led the army to collect the tax at gunpoint.* That is robbery, no matter what bull stuff you pull out of a dark place to try to make it seem justifiable.
*Google "whiskey rebellion" to study the story for yourself.
First..those roads were dirt paths through the woods. When joe Rich-douche has to repair his BMW all time because of the poor condition of roads...we'll see who whines
Secondly, society has changed, there are more people in the world. We do not live in the 1700's. The primary reason the colonies started the war was because we had taxation without representation.
Taxation is NOT robbery when it's used responsibly for the betterment of a civilization. I'm all for Universal healthcare, college for everyone just like the public school systems grades 1-12.
The Wealthy have been screwing people for a very long time. I'm prepared for and welcome an entire shift in our socio-ecomic system and advocate a complete & total redistribution of wealth. Less than 10% of the US population have more wealth than the bottom 90% combined and it's not because the bottom 90% are lazy.
Any system that pins an iintrinsic value on human life is an evil system. Crony-Predatory Capitalism is a cancer. People are being brainwashed into believing that it is Democracy and freedom. It's nothing more than greed