Now that I live in Southern California, it’s not as big a factor as it had been in other places that I’ve lived. Of course, there’s consideration that has to be taken into account when planning things, but with the way San Diego weather is pretty much predictable, it’s not a major concern. In fact, I noticed years ago that I hardly ever pay attention to weather reports and/or forecasts. We sort of have the idea here we already know what they’ll say.
Well, I’ve written on these pages before about having been born and raised in a place with about nine months of cold weather, and at least five of those months being snowy. It was my paradigm until age eighteen when I joined the military, came out to California, from there Hawaii, from there, all over Asia and The Pacific with their tropical paradises. For more than a decade, I traveled worldwide and experienced wide variations in weather from very cold to very hot, but I never got over being spoiled by the absence of snow and its accompanying other difficulties and negatives. I’m not one of those people who grew accustomed to four seasons and now miss it, I’m the exact opposite. Unlike you, I am not bored by the weather that stays pretty much the same all the time, I love it.
What were the general weather conditions in the place where you lived previously, the more favorable place in regard to weather?