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Self-control. Discernment. Integrity. It doesn't matter what else a prez has or is. If he lacks those 3 things he'll fail. Does Trump?

Posted - May 15, 2017


  • 22891
    i have no idea, only time will tell if  he has it or not
      May 15, 2017 1:45 PM MDT

  • 6477
    He wouldn't know integrity if it leapt up and smacked him in the face.. 
      May 15, 2017 3:31 PM MDT

  • 113301
       Agree! Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      May 17, 2017 6:26 AM MDT

  • 17027
    Many successful Presidents lacked self control. Washington. Lincoln. Both Roosevelts. Kennedy. Reagan. Clinton.
    Even Nixon was moderately successful pre-Watergate.
      May 15, 2017 4:52 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Besides women (Clinton and JFK and Ike and FDR) what else was there? Reagan lacked self-control? Did he have women on the side too? Nixon was paranoid I think. Were the others mentally defective too or just him? Lincoln lacked self-control? With regard to what? Washington too? Yikes, good grief and gadzooks! I await your reply. Very truly yours rosie g!  :)
      May 17, 2017 6:29 AM MDT

  • 17027
    Washington was a slaveowner and reputedly a tough one. Starting a revolution isn't exactly a rational thing to do either.
    Lincoln was outstandingly undisciplined and given to bouts of heavy drinking, also rumoured to have been a libertine.
    Reagan had a hate boner for Russia that rivalled McCarthy's, saying "we begin bombing in five minutes" in the vicinity of a live mike indicates a lack of control, at least over his mouth.
    Teddy Roosevelt was pugnacious, had a habit if challenging rivals to fist fights.
    FDR, JFK and Slick Willy were womanizers - although in FDR's defense, if I was married to Eleanor I might have looked for affection elsewhere too, the woman was stark staring mad. Inability to control one's basest desires - lack of self-control, no?
      May 17, 2017 6:52 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Didn't Eleanor have a female lover? She was a brilliant woman and did much good I think. Looks aren't everything you know. Washington wasn't unique in being a slave owner Sbf. ALL RICH WHITE MEN of the time owned slaves. They were considered to be chattel..pieces of furniture. Certainly not human  being. Women weren't held in high esteem either. Had Washington not owned slaves he certainly wouldn't have been accepted by his peers. All the Founding Fathers were all bums when it came to that. Lincoln was a drunk? I had to look up Libertine. I've heard the word but never to look it  up. It certainly is not a compliment. Reagan was an intellectual lightweight.  That's why his first wife Jane Wyman, divorced him. He was very boring and limited. He was charming and had a flair for words but he often used movie script words when he spoke so he can't be credited for originating them. He wasn't threatening to anyone. He wasn't challenging nor did he say anything thought-provoking or brilliant. He started off as an actor and ended as one. In between he became head of the Actor's Union I believe. Then Guv of California (I lived through it) then prez of the United States. He was nothing special. I think he was simply dull not evil. Trump is evil. Every day in every way the evil things Doofus Donny does/say grows. Thank you for your reply! :)
      May 17, 2017 7:03 AM MDT

  • 17027
    None of the guys I mentioned  (with the possible exception of Nixon) was evil, just lacked a modicum of self-control.

    Eleanor Roosevelt never did anything without consulting her horoscope, her belief and reliance upon astrology was almost religious. I did hear that she may have been a lesbian but discounted it given the sources. That sort of thing was illegal prior to the Second World War so if true it would have been harder to expose than the inside of Fort Knox.

    Ronnie wasn't evil but neither was he President - he was an actor playing the role of President which isn't quite the same thing. A clotheshorse and mouthpiece for his puppet masters.
      May 17, 2017 7:19 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Touche my friend! Ronnie certainly did LOOK the part though. Doofus Donny is obese, old and unattractive. I prefer Alec Baldwin frankly!  Trump would NEVER get the part in a movie. How sadly ironic that he got the part in real life!  I wonder when the Alzheimer's began to set in for Ronnie. We know when he withdrew from public life and announced it. But how long before that did he suffer from it? I wonder. I didn't know about the horoscopy tendency with Eleanor..only with Nancy. She had Jean Dixon  whom she consulted FIRST and then had Ronnie set his schedule. Geez Louise how embarrassing! :(
      May 17, 2017 7:25 AM MDT