Discussion » Questions » Entertainment » It's Friday afternoon, and I am not working ahead of half-term next week. I deserve a treat.. what should I do?

It's Friday afternoon, and I am not working ahead of half-term next week. I deserve a treat.. what should I do?

Ideas please? Doesn't have to be anything fancy... it's sunny outside.. daughter is home from her exam, I don't have anywhere I have to be and have a whole week off next week...the world is my oyster.. but I can't think what I want to do? 

Posted - May 26, 2017


  • 13395
    Me I would spend time kayaking -if you live not far from a reasonable size body of water.
    I live right near the shores of the Pacific so it is easy,  convenient for me and very enjoyable. 
      May 26, 2017 7:17 AM MDT

  • 6477
    That sounds fabulous, especially on a hot day like today
      May 26, 2017 7:25 AM MDT

  • 11163
    Go to Soho and enjoy some music and if you happen to bump into those 2 identical sisters that sung the song Hippy Chick tell them Nanoose says hi. Cheers and happy weekend!
      May 26, 2017 8:27 AM MDT

  • 6477
    Sounds like a plan.. and it's a great song :)
      May 26, 2017 2:07 PM MDT

  • "Go streaking!!"  I'll bet you haven't done that in years!!

      May 26, 2017 1:34 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Ahem... cough... actually.... I have :P but hey, I could do it again :P
      May 26, 2017 2:08 PM MDT

  • Cool!! Is it alright if I bring Ethel? :)
      May 26, 2017 2:14 PM MDT

  • 6477
    The more the merrier :)
      May 26, 2017 2:19 PM MDT

  • 22891
    ask your daughter what she wants to do and then do it with her
      May 26, 2017 1:48 PM MDT

  • 6477
    Ha daughter isn't allowed to go anywhere :P  She is in the middle of exams.. these are the important ones, they decide whether she gets to college and whether she gets to join the course she wants..so she's staying home studying :P  I know I sound like a mean mum.. and I really am not and she'd be the first to say that.. but she has to study and she knows she has to.. she has been out of school for a couple of months because of 4 years of bullying and them treating her like rubbish.. so she has missed  a lot of teaching so she is at a disadvantage.. all the more so cos kids who have been attending school will also be studying over the half term too... 
    I might try to take her out for a little while on one of the days :)
      May 26, 2017 2:13 PM MDT

  • A good book and tea.  Sushi.
      May 26, 2017 8:12 PM MDT