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Which one overflows more often? Your JOY JAR or your LIFE SUCKS JAR? Why do you think that is?

Posted - May 26, 2017


  • 22891
    the 2nd one since i never seem to have any luck
      May 26, 2017 4:55 PM MDT

  • 113301
    It's said that we make our own luck pearl. I don't know how true that is for you but I hope things change. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday! :)
      May 28, 2017 6:49 AM MDT

  • 6988
    I have been designing my life even before I was legally old enough to do so.  When I was about 12, I saw a photo of an impoverished, homeless man in a magazine. I vowed to never allow myself to get that low. I started to aim for success. I wasn't a very good student, but knew how to make money.  These days, the Joy Jar is overflowing, and I share some joy with my young relatives on occasion. 
      May 26, 2017 8:03 PM MDT

  • 113301
     So the catalyst was a photo of an impoverished homeless man? That is very sad to me bh. Thank you for your reply and Happy Sunday. What you did NOT want to become was a replica of him. The bad example that you wanted to avoid. It worked for you and I'm glad. SIGH. I think it wouldn't work for me. It would just make me despair and feel hopeless. I know we're different and react differently. :)
      May 28, 2017 6:51 AM MDT

  • 6477
    On paper I have a sucks jar, a big one.. .and it's always having things add to it.. nothing ever seems to lighten up on the pressure/problem front.. but see my saving grace is that I am a hopeless optimist...  so to me I still find joy... and I still think I am, in many ways, very lucky.
      May 27, 2017 3:15 AM MDT

  • 113301
    What size is your JOY JAR and does it ever get so full you need another one? Thank you for your reply Addb! :)
      May 28, 2017 6:52 AM MDT

  • 44738
    My jar is empty.
      May 27, 2017 8:42 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Which one? You have two. Happy Sunday Ele! :)
      May 28, 2017 6:48 AM MDT

  • 44738
    I missed that...both are empty.
      May 28, 2017 8:23 AM MDT

  • 113301
    I'm not gonna say that's untrue Ele because that would be calling you a liar and  I will never do that. HOWEVER you ARE here. We ARE chatting. I can't speak for you, I only speak for me, but whenever I see that it's you responding to one of my questions I ALWAYS LOOK FORWARD to engaging with you. So I know that for me talking to you regularly is one of the things in MY JOY JAR. Now could it be a one-way street? I guess so but why would you show up if you're getting nothing positive out of it? That makes no sense at all and you are a sensible person.  At least you are with me. As for an empty LIFE SUCKS jar are you serious? Nothing bothers you enough to pi** you off, anger you, cause you to think dark thoughts? Nothing? Again I only speak for me but with the advent of doofus donny my LIFE SUCKS jar is full of stuff because of him and his toadies because what they have the power to do will affect me adversely. AARRGGHH!  Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 30, 2017 6:43 AM MDT
      May 29, 2017 3:46 AM MDT

  • 44738
    My meds keep me in the neutral zone.
      May 30, 2017 6:44 AM MDT

  • 113301
    Oh geez! Apologies sweetie. I'm sorry to be hounding you. Really. I do apologize. I think you're swell just the way you are.  Only you know how you could be better or used to be. I only know the Ele I see daily. Oy vey. I sure know how to put my foot in it don't I?   :( Thank you for your reply! :) This post was edited by RosieG at May 30, 2017 6:50 AM MDT
      May 30, 2017 6:49 AM MDT

  • 44738
    Nah. No worries.
      June 1, 2017 10:28 AM MDT

  • 1128
    My happiness depends on me.  Nobody can make me happy if I am not happy, myself.  I choose to have joy rather than anything.  My life is not perfect, but I am healthier than I was a year ago, I am alive to make any changes that I CAN, so my joy jar is full. Happy Sunday Rosie!!  :) 
      May 28, 2017 7:17 AM MDT

  • 113301
    My JOY JAR usually overflows SA. As long as I can remember I have been grateful for and appreciated what I have in life. I take after my dad who was always a "glass half-full" person. I CHOOSE to be happy. However my LIFE SUCKS jar is crammed full too. Since Doofus Donny came into my life against my will everything he does/says is Bigly Bad and getting progressively BADLIER. He has the power to harm me personally and millions of others and will do so until he is taken out somehow by someone in some way. I long for that day to come. I'd like him shipped off to an island where there is no means of communication so I NEVER have to see him or hear him again. I've had quite enough of the doofus to last me until I die. Thank you for your reply and Happy Monday! :)
      May 29, 2017 3:55 AM MDT

  • 1128
    I totally understand Rosie. 
      May 29, 2017 7:09 AM MDT

  • 13071
    Being that I believe it is my choice in which one I allow to take center stage, I choose the former RosieG. I choose the JOY JAR please. ;)))))
      May 29, 2017 7:55 AM MDT