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Discussion » Questions » Human Behavior » Ask a question about people being rude and some of them are rude when they answer it thereby proving the point. Is it purposeful? Why?

Ask a question about people being rude and some of them are rude when they answer it thereby proving the point. Is it purposeful? Why?

Is doubling down on rude exciting/inviting/satisfying/enlightening? Why do the rude get ruder every chance they can? Are they vying with one another to see who is the best at it?One wonders.

Posted - June 21, 2017


  • 53686

    How about owning up to your own rudeness instead of trying to pretend that you're some kind of saint?  You can't attack others at will and then retreat into a corner sobbing victimhood and claiming that every word that doesn't glorify you is an insult. 

    Why are you sometimes rude?  (See, it works both ways.)

    With whom are you vying?

      June 21, 2017 4:06 AM MDT

  • 11578
    Rosie, Sweetie, I'm so sorry that out of all the muggers here, people are choosing you to attack, insult and be rude to. But, and please, don't take this the wrong way, because you know I always try to be kind, I read through the response to the question you referred to and I didn't see anyone being overly rude. Is it possible, my Precious Darling Rosie, that you mistook honesty for rudeness? Maybe they think that because of your bluntly worded questions that they don't have to tiptoe around your delicate feelings. So, Pumpkin, try not to take the responses so personally because we all have different ways of responding. Hugs ((())))) and have a super awesome day!!!!
      June 21, 2017 7:09 AM MDT

  • 46117
    You fight with me all the time.  LOL

    We have had more fights than I can even remember.  So what?   I like you.  I understand you.  I'm serious.  That is the way I am and I tell it like it is, just like you do in your own fashion.

    I think that you keep asking this same exact question over and over because you don't listen to anyone's answer or you would get it. 

    You are not perfect and neither are we. 

    You need to listen. Stop railing at the Gods about how mean people are and see why.    You say you ignore people who are mean and just want to have fun.  How is this fun?   Is asking this over and over coming from a person who is having fun?   When I am having fun, I don't even think like this. 

    I don't think you can change, nor should you, but you need to stop with the whining.  It does not look good on you.  Just stop it already.  GOD.
      June 21, 2017 7:20 AM MDT

  • 22891
    sounds like they already answered the question by being rude
      June 21, 2017 2:48 PM MDT

  • 113301
    Go figger! I don't get it but I guess they do. Thank you for your reply pearl.
      June 22, 2017 3:42 AM MDT