Buy some industrial strength de-funker? No, serious answer is generally just plod on through it.. take time to acknowledge what's making us funky and why, what we can do about it if anything and if we cannot do anything then I just generally rely on it to leave once it's had its fun. Music helps, reading helps, watching a film does, gardening does... for some maybe retail therapy?
I force myself to do a chore that has been weighing on me that I have completely put off. I figure, I feel sucky anyway, I hate doing the chore, so I am not losing any happy by doing it now. Then when it is done, I feel a rush that I managed to do it in spite of my pity pot feelings rolling around my brain.
I find myself in a "funk" more often than I'd like, but I find that I can get out of them fairly easily most times. Diving into my passions, reading, writing, working on my fictional language, classical music, going on long bike rides, they tend to all rejuvenate me. Sometimes a trip to the library has been enough to change my entire attitude.
Several things. Request a few PTO days from work. Spend time cooking at home, which I much enjoy. Go for sushi or to a local brewery for a pint or two and snacks.
The first video will probably make you laugh. The second will fill your soul. There's another one by Joshua called "Everything'll Be Alright." It always brings me peace. His voice and words are amazing.
I almost feel like I should write a blog about my recent Joshua Radin experience and what it meant to me. He has been a part of my path through so many dark times and I recently had the pleasure of meeting him on a day that would have otherwise left me sobbing into a piece of chocolate cake. lol Seriously, though, you can't help but be at peace and feel inspired when you listen to him.
I like to hit the road with no schedule or itinerary. Go to a place where you feel comfortable and do some soul searching and creative thinking. I find walking on the beach to be stimulating, or a place with emotional attachment that is part of your history in a cheerful, positive way.